
Is it possible to find the number of lines of code in an entire solution? I've heard of MZ-Tools, but is there an open source equivalent?

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Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate has this built-in:

Analyze → Calculate Code Metrics

다른 팁

I've found powershell useful for this. I consider LoC to be a pretty bogus metric anyway, so I don't believe anything more formal should be required.

From a smallish solution's directory:

PS C:\Path> (gci -include *.cs,*.xaml -recurse | select-string .).Count
PS C:\Path>

That will count the non-blank lines in all the solution's .cs and .xaml files. For a larger project, I just used a different extension list:

PS C:\Other> (gci -include *.cs,*.cpp,*.h,*.idl,*.asmx -recurse | select-string .).Count
PS C:\Other>

Why use an entire app when a single command-line will do it? :)

I used Ctrl+Shift+F. Next, put a \n in the search box and enable regular expressions box. Then in the find results, in the end of the screen are the number of files searched and lines of code found.

You can use [^\n\s]\r\n to skip blank and space-only lines (credits to Zach in the comments).

An open source line counter for VS2005, 2003 and 2002 is available here:


There is also discussion of creating a line counting VS addin, complete with code on Codeproject, here


Also Slick Edit Gadgets have a nice line-counter, here:


and Microsoft Visual Studio Team System 2008 includes a good line counter.

Just remember though:

Measuring programming progress by lines of code is like measuring aircraft building progress by weight. Bill Gates

Here's an update for Visual Studio 2012/2013/2015 for those who want to do the "Find" option (which I find to be the easiest): This RegEx will find all non-blank lines with several exclusions to give the most accurate results.

Enter the following RegEx into the "Find" box. Please make sure to select the "Use Regular Expressions" option. Change the search option to either "Current Project" or "Entire Solution" depending on your needs. Now select "Find All". At the bottom of the Find Results window, you will see "Matching Lines" which is the lines of code count.


This RegEx excludes the following items:


// This is a comment

Multi-Line comments (assuming the lines are correctly commented with a * in front of each line)

/* I am a
* multi-line
* comment */

XML for Intellisense

/// <summary>
/// I'm a class description for Intellisense
/// </summary>

HTML Comments:

<!-- I am a HTML Comment -->

Using statements:

using System;
using System.Web;

Opening curly braces:


Closing curly braces:


Note: anything between the braces would be included in the search, but in this example only 4 lines of code would count, instead of 18 actual non-blank lines:

        public class Test
            /// <summary>
            /// Do Stuff
            /// </summary>
            public Test()
            public void TestMe()
                //Do Stuff Here
                /* And
                 * Do
                 * Stuff
                 * Here */

I created this to give me a much more accurate LOC count than some previous options, and figured I would share. The bosses love LOC counts, so I'm stuck with it for a while. I hope someone else can find this helpful, let me know if you have any questions or need help getting it to work.

Found this tip: LOC with VS Find and replace

Not a plugin though if thats what you are looking for.

cloc is an excellent commandline, Perl-based, Windows-executable which will break down the blank lines, commented lines, and source lines of code, grouped by file-formats.

Now it won't specifically run on a VS solution file, but it can recurse through directories, and you can set up filename filters as you see fit.

Here's the sample output from their web page:

prompt> cloc perl-5.10.0.tar.gz
    4076 text files.
    3883 unique files.                                          
    1521 files ignored.

http://cloc.sourceforge.net v 1.07  T=10.0 s (251.0 files/s, 84566.5 lines/s)
Language          files     blank   comment      code    scale   3rd gen. equiv
Perl               2052    110356    112521    309778 x   4.00 =     1239112.00
C                   135     18718     22862    140483 x   0.77 =      108171.91
C/C++ Header        147      7650     12093     44042 x   1.00 =       44042.00
Bourne Shell        116      3402      5789     36882 x   3.81 =      140520.42
Lisp                  1       684      2242      7515 x   1.25 =        9393.75
make                  7       498       473      2044 x   2.50 =        5110.00
C++                  10       312       277      2000 x   1.51 =        3020.00
XML                  26       231         0      1972 x   1.90 =        3746.80
yacc                  2       128        97      1549 x   1.51 =        2338.99
YAML                  2         2         0       489 x   0.90 =         440.10
DOS Batch            11        85        50       322 x   0.63 =         202.86
HTML                  1        19         2        98 x   1.90 =         186.20
SUM:               2510    142085    156406    547174 x   2.84 =     1556285.03

The third generation equivalent scale is a rough estimate of how much code it would take in a third generation language. Not terribly useful, but interesting anyway.

Answers here are a little bit out of date, may be from vs 2008 time. Because in newer Visual Studio versions 2010/2012, this feature is already built-in. Thus there are no reason to use any extension or tools for it.

Feature to count lines of code - Calculate Metrics. With it you can calculate your metrics (LOC, Maintaince index, Cyclomatic index, Depth of inheritence) for each project or solution.

Just right click on solution or project in Solution Explorer,

enter image description here

and select "Calculate metrics"

enter image description here

Later data for analysis and aggregation could be imported to Excel. Also in Excel you can filter out generated classes, or other noise from your metrics. These metrics including Lines of code LOC could be gathered also during build process, and included in build report

Regular expressions have changed between VS2010 and 2012, so most of the regular expression solutions here no longer work


Will find all lines that are not blank, are not just a single bracket ( '{' or '}' ) and not just a #include or other preprocessor.

Use Ctrl-shift-f and make sure regular expressions are enabled.

The corresponding regular expression for VS 2010 and older is


In Visual Studio Team System 2008 you can do from the menu Analyze--> 'Calculate Code Metrics for Solution' and it will give you a line count of your entire solution (among other things g)

For future readers I'd like to advise the DPack extension for Visual Studio 2010.

It's got a load of utilities built in including a line counter which says how many lines are blank, code, and etc.

A simple solution is to search in all files. Type in "*" while using wildcards. Which would match all lines. At the end of the find results window you should see a line of the sort:

Matching lines: 563 Matching files: 17 Total files searched: 17

Of course this is not very good for large projects, since all lines are mached and loaded into memory to be dispayed at the find results window.


You could use:

I prefer OxyProject Metrics VS Addin.

Obviously tools are easier, but I feel cool doing this in powershell:)

This script finds all the .csproj references in the .sln file, and then within each csproj file it locates files included for compilation. For each file that is included for compilation it creates an object with properties: Solution, Project, File, Lines. It stores all these objects in a list, and then groups and projects the data as needed.

#path to the solution file e.g. "D:\Code\Test.sln"
$slnFile = "D:\Code\Test.sln"

$results = @()

#iterate through .csproj references in solution file
foreach($projLines in get-item $slnFile | Get-Content | Select-String '".*csproj')
    $projFile = [System.IO.Path]::Combine([System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($slnFile), [regex]::Match($projLines,'[^"]*csproj').Value)
    $projFolder = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($projFile)

    #from csproj file: get lines for files to compile <Compile Include="..."/>
    $includeLines = get-item $projFile | Get-Content | Select-String '<Compile Include'

    #count of all files lines in project
    $linesInProject = 0;
    foreach($fileLine in $includeLines)
        $includedFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($projFolder, [Regex]::Match($fileLine, '"(?<file>.*)"').Groups["file"].Value)
        $lineCountInFile = (Get-Content $includedFilePath).Count      
        $results+=New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Solution=$slnFile ;Project=$projFile; File=$includedFilePath; Lines=$lineCountInFile }

#filter out any files we dont need
$results = $results | ?{!($_.File -match "Designer")}

#print out:

"---------------lines per solution--------------"
$results | group Solution | %{$_.Name + ": " + ($_.Group | Measure-Object Lines -Sum).Sum}
"---------------lines per peoject--------------"
$results | group Project | %{$_.Name + ": " + ($_.Group | Measure-Object Lines -Sum).Sum}

Other simple tool For VS2008 (open source): http://www.accendo.sk/Download/SourceStat.zip

Use Menu-> Analyse - > Calculate Code Metrics option in Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate.

You can use the Visual Studio Code Metrics PowerTool 10.0. It's a command-line utility that calculates a few metrics on managed code for you (including lines of code). You can get a VS 2010 plugin that brings the tool into Visual Studio, and makes it as quick as selecting the menu item and clicking "Analyze Solution."

Agree with Ali Parr. The WndTab Line Counter addin is a such tool. http://www.codeproject.com/KB/macros/linecount.aspx

It's also a good idea to search from download site to find some related tool. http://www.cnet.com/1770-5_1-0.html?query=code+counter&tag=srch

You can use free tool SourceMonitor

Gives a lot of measures: Lines of Code, Statement Count, Complexity, Block Depth

Has graphical outputs via charts

In Visual Studio 2019, from the top menu you need to select:

'Analyze' -> 'Calculate Code Metrics' -> 'For Solution'

This works in both Visual Studio 2019 Professional and Enterprise.

You can use the Project Line Counter add-in in Visual Studio 2010. Normally it doesn't work with Visual Studio 2010, but it does with a helpful .reg file from here: http://www.onemanmmo.com/index.php?cmd=newsitem&comment=news.1.41.0

I came up with a quick and dirty powershell script for counting lines in a folder structure. It's not nearly as full featured as some of the other tools referenced in other answers, but I think it's good enough to provide a rough comparison of the size of code files relative to one another in a project or solution.

The script can be found here:


Try neptuner. It also gives you stuff like spaces, tabs, Lines of comments in addition to LoC. http://neptuner.googlecode.com/files/neptuner_0_30_windows.zip

In Visual Studio 2015 go to the Analyze Menu and select "Calculate Code Metrics".

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