
I have a an ASP.NET MVC application that will need to access file resources on another machine, so I have shared the relevant directory and given a fresh domain user access to it. My question is: How do I get my ASP.NET MVC app to take on this new user's identity? Do I have to set this up separately when debugging and when deployed?


도움이 되었습니까?


<identity impersonate="true"
          password="password" />

in your web.config should work. The other option (not recommended) is running your application pool as a user with the proper credentials.

다른 팁

MVC Still uses ASP.NET authentication so you should just need to use:

<identity impersonate="true"/>

In the web.config.

Are you running your MVC application within IIS? If so, set this user as the application pool identity. If not, you can use impersonation from within the web.config


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