
I am trying to figure out how I can hit breakpoints in my unit tests that are written with MbUnit/Gallio. I tried running Gallio.Icarus, attaching vs debugger to it, the breakpoints weren't hit. Next I tried to start Gallio.Echo from project properties, but I was getting an error message, after supplying the dll, saying only .exe's can be tested. The unit test runs fine from Gallio.Icarus, however, I am unable to debug them.


도움이 되었습니까?


Grab Gallio v3.0.6 Update 1. Load up your tests and click on the shiny new "Debug" button in the Icarus GUI itself.

다른 팁

I would use TestDriven.Net for this. It supports MbUnit tests, and you can debug by simply right clicking from within Visual Studio

A much better answer is found here: gallio test runner plugin to visual studio 2010

The answer is to add the following section to your *.csproj file the after the <ProjectGuid> section section:

      ; {FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}

See Also:
How Does Visual Studio Identiy test projects?
A list of supported VS2010 project types
Second list of GuIDs for supported project types

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