
How do I properly setup Aptana RadRails if I've installed Rails through RVM?

I followed the install on http://railstutorial.org/ but my script paths don't work: e.g.:

  • 'rails' path: /home/marius/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p302@rails3gemset/bin/rails
  • Detected path: Not Detected
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After installing ruby through rvm, I was able to get eclipse to use that install by:

In Eclipse, go to Window -> Preferences.
In the Ruby/Interpreters tab click "Search"

For me this found all of the ruby installs from rvm, and it added them to the interpreters list. I edited the "Name" field to include the version number for convenience.

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try to run this in the command line. It will show you real path to the available rail script for current environment.

$ which rails

In Aptana Studio 3 (build: there is no Window -> preferences. If you have a .rvmrc in your project work directory, stating for instance:

rvm use ruby-1.9.3-p0@mygemset

... then Aptana should pick up the correct environment; in this case using ruby-1.9.3-p0 with gemset mygemset. Don't forget to run build install or build update (when you updated your Gemfile) from your project working directory path.

I must add that Aptana Studio 3 seems a bit buggy when it comes to picking up the correct environment, especially when trying to use ruby-debug-ide19.

Did you try with just /home/marius/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p302/bin/rails ?

You have to run eclipse/aptana from a terminal session.

Without RVM :

Please type command whereis ruby in console. you will get the path like /usr/bin/ruby or /usr/local/bin/ruby to check which is correct interpreter path /usr/bin/ruby -v if you get version. that is your interpreter.

With RVM :

Please type command: rvm info

    ruby: "/home/<USERNAME>/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p247/bin/ruby"

copy this path and paste wherever you need enter you interpreter path.

It worked for me. and I hope it will help others as well.


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