
Let's say I launch a build script, definition named SampleScript , specifying the parameter /p:MyPrefix=Custom. There is the following code in the script:

<PropertyGroup Condition="$(BuildDefinitionName)=='SampleScript'">

As I get, first MyPrefix is set to "Custom", then it's overloaded to "Default" (am I right?). If so, is there any way to make a user-specified parameter more prioritized, so it's not overloaded?

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You can only overload a property specified on the command line by dynamically changing the value inside a target...

<Project ...>

   <Target Name="PropertyPrecedence">
      <Message Text="Value = '$(Value)'" />
      <Message Text="Value = '$(Value)'" />

> msbuild /p:Value=FromCommandLine

In the above example, the "FromStaticProperty" will be ignored given the value supplied from the command line, but the "FromDynamicProperty" will be used.

Excerpted from MSBuild Trickery trick #27

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