How can I connect to Documentum with Emc.Documentum.FS.Runtime using C# without the app.config for the ModuleInfo tags?



Sample code using the app.config:

ContextFactory contextFactory = ContextFactory.Instance;
IServiceContext serviceContext = contextFactory.NewContext();

app.config section I'd like to set in code instead of having the API read it directly.

      <ConfigObject type="Emc.Documentum.FS.Runtime.Impl.Configuration.ConfigObject, Emc.Documentum.FS.Runtime"
       defaultModuleName="core" registryProviderModuleName="core" requireSignedUcfJars="true">
        <ModuleInfo name="core" protocol="http" host="" port="9080" contextRoot="services"/>
        <ModuleInfo name="search" protocol="http" host="" port="9080" contextRoot="services"/>
        <ModuleInfo name="bpm" protocol="http" host="" port="9080" contextRoot="services"/>
        <ModuleInfo name="collaboration" protocol="http" host="" port="9080" contextRoot="services" />
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