
I'm attempting to put a small payload generated in route A (Sinatra app) to Route B using Faraday. So the code basically looks like:

post "/routeA" do
  foo_id = foo.id
  conn = Faraday.new(:url => "http://localhost:3001/routeB" ) do |builder|
    builder.request :url_encoded
    builder.response :logger
    builder.adapter :net_http

  resp = conn.put do |req|
    req.url '/routeB'
    req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
    req.body = {:id => foo_id }.to_json
    req.options = {
      #:timeout => 5,   # see below, these aren't the problem
      #:open_timeout => 2

  # never gets here b/c Timeout error always thrown
  STDERR.puts resp.body

put "/routeB" do
  # for test purposes just log output
  STDERR.puts request.body.read.to_s.inspect
  status 202
  body '{"Ok"}'

Problem is that it always throws a timeout error (I've run without the timeout options, and with the ones shown above -> same results). However, the logs show the request is going through:

I, [2012-03-24T16:56:13.241329 #17673]  INFO -- : put http://localhost:3001/routeB
D, [2012-03-24T16:56:13.241427 #17673] DEBUG -- request: Content-Type: "application/json"
DEBUG -     POST (60.7987ms) /routeA - 500 Internal Server Error
DEBUG -      PUT (0.0117ms) /routeB - 202 Accepted

Not sure how to get past the timeout error? Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks.

도움이 되었습니까?


The problem is that the application cannot respond to another request until it's finished with the current one. That is, when you make a PUT request on the /routeB, the application got that, and it's waiting for the current request (/routeA) to finish. But the request won't finish because it's waiting to get the response from the /routeB. I think this is what causes the timeout error.

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