
Suppose I have a static function template template<int I> void ft() within a struct template template<bool B> S, and I want to call ft from another function template template<bool B> void g(), passing the bool template parameter from g to S:

template<bool B>
struct S {
  static void f() {
  template<int I>
  static void ft() {

template<bool B>
void g() {

int main() {
  return 0;

Compiling this in GCC 4.5.2 gives two errors about the line S<B>::ft<12>():

  1. expected primary-expression before ')' token
  2. invalid operands of types '<unresolved overloaded function type>' and 'int' to binary 'operator<'

Comeau ( http://www.comeaucomputing.com/tryitout/ ), in strict C++03 mode, also complains about that line, stating "expected an expression", with a caret just below the closing parenthesis. Neither compiler complains about the line S<B>::f() however, and Comeau can actually compile the whole minimal example in relaxed mode.

If I remove g's template, and instead instantiate S's template parameter in g like so:

void g() {

int main() {

GCC successfully compiles it, as does Comeau in strict C++03 mode.

From GCC's second error above, it seems that there is an ambiguity in the interpretation of S<B>::ft<12>, as if it thinks I'm trying to test if S<B>::ft is less than 12. I'm aware of the use of typename to resolve ambiguities that arise when referring to types within dependent scopes. Does anyone know how to resolve the ambiguity when the thing that appears in a dependent scope is a function, not a type?

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You need to help the compiler a bit, with telling it that ft is a template, like this:

template<bool B>
struct S {
  static void f() {
  template<int I>
  static void ft() {

template<bool B>
void g() {
  S<B>::template ft<12>();

int main() {
  return 0;
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