
나는 필요한 거의 모든 언어에 대해 Eclipse와 함께 일했습니다. C#에서 개발 된 도구 작업을 요청하므로 동일한 친숙한 환경에 머물고 싶습니다.

나는 찾았다 개선의 플러그인 그러나 마지막 릴리스는 2004 년과 .NET 1.1에서 꽤 오래된 릴리스입니다. Eclipse 내 C#에 프로그램 할 새로운 플러그인이 있습니까? 아니면 VS를 살펴 봐야합니까?

도움이 되었습니까?


에만 메닉 Mono를 Eclipse 프레임 워크에 통합하여 사용될 수 있습니다.

다른 팁

I fear, that there is no good eclipse plug in. Try http://www.monodevelop.com/Main_Page or http://www.icsharpcode.net/OpenSource/SD/. And the free visual 2008 express editions are worth a look.

I have found below 2 articles helpful in trying to get C# Formatting in Eclipse:

MonoDevelop just released a Windows Beta, and it's looking very good. It's a cross platform C# IDE. It may be of use.

Emonic is worth a look as Jasper suggested. I've installed it in the past myself, but over a year ago. Checking the change logs on the site, it does not appear that they have had any new releases since then. The worst thing about it is that it does not supply a debugger or any refactoring tools. I've found that if you're going to work with Microsoft products it's best to eat the whole hog.

You will have a learning curve getting into visual studion from eclipse, but it will probably save you some time working out the nuiances with a product trying to build .NET code.

Visual Studio is a very nice environment to work in, the express editions are free so my suggestion would be to take the opportunity and have a look at the VS dev environment.

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