
I have a gauge chart which has one arrowIndicator. Im trying to capture the value change event on the arrowIndicator. I tried dojo.connect() and on() methods to set the event handler for my gauge but failed both times. This is what I did...

var arrow = new dojox.gauges.AnalogArrowIndicator({....});

dojo.connect(arrow, 'change', handlerFunction);


var arrow = new dojox.gauges.AnalogArrowIndicator({....});
define(["dojo/on"], function(on){
on(arrow, "change", myHandleFunction);

I don't get any error message or anything... How should I go about this?

도움이 되었습니까?


the valuechange event is exposed at the guage chart level:

dojo.connect(gauge.indicators[0], "valueChanged", dojo.hitch(gauge, function(){
  //new value is in this.indicators[0].value

where, gauge is the jsid or js variable holding the gauge dijit

depending on how you are adding the indicators, it might be indicators[1] or similar

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