
Apparently there's no mb_trim in the mb_* family, so I'm trying to implement one for my own.

I recently found this regex in a comment in php.net:


So, I'd implement it in the following way:

function multibyte_trim($str)
    if (!function_exists("mb_trim") || !extension_loaded("mbstring")) {
        return preg_replace("/(^\s+)|(\s+$)/u", "", $str);
    } else {
        return mb_trim($str);

The regex seems correct to me, but I'm extremely noob with regular expressions. Will this effectively remove any Unicode space in the beginning/end of a string?

도움이 되었습니까?


The standard trim function trims a handful of space and space-like characters. These are defined as ASCII characters, which means certain specific bytes from 0 to 0100 0000.

Proper UTF-8 input will never contain multi-byte characters that is made up of bytes 0xxx xxxx. All the bytes in proper UTF-8 multibyte characters start with 1xxx xxxx.

This means that in a proper UTF-8 sequence, the bytes 0xxx xxxx can only refer to single-byte characters. PHP's trim function will therefore never trim away "half a character" assuming you have a proper UTF-8 sequence. (Be very very careful about improper UTF-8 sequences.)

The \s on ASCII regular expressions will mostly match the same characters as trim.

The preg functions with the /u modifier only works on UTF-8 encoded regular expressions, and /\s/u match also the UTF8's nbsp. This behaviour with non-breaking spaces is the only advantage to using it.

If you want to replace space characters in other, non ASCII-compatible encodings, neither method will work.

In other words, if you're trying to trim usual spaces an ASCII-compatible string, just use trim. When using /\s/u be careful with the meaning of nbsp for your text.

Take care:

  $s1 = html_entity_decode(" Hello   "); // the NBSP
  $s2 = " 𩸽 exotic test ホ 𩸽 ";

  echo "\nCORRECT trim: [". trim($s1) ."], [".  trim($s2) ."]";
  echo "\nSAME: [". trim($s1) ."] == [". preg_replace('/^\s+|\s+$/','',$s1) ."]";
  echo "\nBUT: [". trim($s1) ."] != [". preg_replace('/^\s+|\s+$/u','',$s1) ."]";

  echo "\n!INCORRECT trim: [". trim($s2,'𩸽 ') ."]"; // DANGER! not UTF8 safe!
  echo "\nSAFE ONLY WITH preg: [". 
       preg_replace('/^[𩸽\s]+|[𩸽\s]+$/u', '', $s2) ."]";

다른 팁

I don't know what you're trying to do with that endless recursive function you're defining, but if you just want a multibyte-safe trim, this will work.

function mb_trim($str) {
  return preg_replace("/^\s+|\s+$/u", "", $str); 

This version supports the second optional parameter $charlist:

function mb_trim ($string, $charlist = null) 
    if (is_null($charlist)) {
        return trim ($string);

    $charlist = str_replace ('/', '\/', preg_quote ($charlist));
    return preg_replace ("/(^[$charlist]+)|([$charlist]+$)/us", '', $string);

Does not support ".." for ranges though.

Ok, so I took @edson-medina's solution and fixed a bug and added some unit tests. Here's the 3 functions we use to give mb counterparts to trim, rtrim, and ltrim.

//Add some multibyte core functions not in PHP
function mb_trim($string, $charlist = null) {
    if (is_null($charlist)) {
        return trim($string);
    } else {
        $charlist = preg_quote($charlist, '/');
        return preg_replace("/(^[$charlist]+)|([$charlist]+$)/us", '', $string);
function mb_rtrim($string, $charlist = null) {
    if (is_null($charlist)) {
        return rtrim($string);
    } else {
        $charlist = preg_quote($charlist, '/');
        return preg_replace("/([$charlist]+$)/us", '', $string);
function mb_ltrim($string, $charlist = null) {
    if (is_null($charlist)) {
        return ltrim($string);
    } else {
        $charlist = preg_quote($charlist, '/');
        return preg_replace("/(^[$charlist]+)/us", '', $string);

Here's the unit tests I wrote for anyone interested:

public function test_trim() {
    $this->assertEquals(trim(' foo '), mb_trim(' foo '));
    $this->assertEquals(trim(' foo ', ' o'), mb_trim(' foo ', ' o'));
    $this->assertEquals('foo', mb_trim(' Åfooホ ', ' Åホ'));

public function test_rtrim() {
    $this->assertEquals(rtrim(' foo '), mb_rtrim(' foo '));
    $this->assertEquals(rtrim(' foo ', ' o'), mb_rtrim(' foo ', ' o'));
    $this->assertEquals('foo', mb_rtrim('fooホ ', ' ホ'));

public function test_ltrim() {
    $this->assertEquals(ltrim(' foo '), mb_ltrim(' foo '));
    $this->assertEquals(ltrim(' foo ', ' o'), mb_ltrim(' foo ', ' o'));
    $this->assertEquals('foo', mb_ltrim(' Åfoo', ' Å'));

You can also trim non-ascii compatible spaces (non-breaking space for example) on UTF-8 strings with preg_replace('/^\p{Z}+|\p{Z}+$/u','',$str);

\s will only match "ascii compatible" space character even with the u modifier.
but \p{Z} will match all known unicode space characters

mb_ereg_replace seems to get around that:

function mb_trim($str,$regex = "(^\s+)|(\s+$)/us") {
    return mb_ereg_replace($regex, "", $str);

..but I don't know enough about regular expressions to know how you'd then add on the "charlist" parameter people would expect to be able to feed to trim() - i.e. a list of characters to trim - so have just made the regex a parameter.

It might be that you could have an array of special characters, then step through it for each character in the charlist and escape them accordingly when building the regex string.

(Ported from a duplicate Q on trim struggles with NBSP.) The following notes are valid as of PHP 7.2+. Mileage may vary with earlier versions (please report in comments).

PHP trim ignores non-breaking spaces. It only trims spaces found in the basic ASCII range. For reference, the source code for trim reads as follows (ie. no undocumented features with trim):

(c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\t' || c == '\v' || c == '\0')

Of the above, aside the ordinary space (ASCII 32, ), these are all ASCII control characters; LF (10: \n), CR (13: \r), HT (9: \t), VT (11: \v), NUL (0: \0). (Note that in PHP, you have to double-quote escaped characters: "\n", "\t" etc.. Otherwise they are parsed as literal \n etc.)

The following are simple implementations of the three flavors of trim (ltrim, rtrim, trim), using preg_replace, that work with Unicode strings:

preg_replace('~^\s+~u', '', $string) // == ltrim
preg_replace('~\s+$~u', '', $string) // == rtrim
preg_replace('~^\s+|\s+$~us', '', $string) // == trim

Feel free to wrap them into your own mb_*trim functions.

Per the PCRE specification, the \s "any space" escape sequence character with u Unicode mode on will match all of the following space characters:

The horizontal space characters are:

U+0009     Horizontal tab (HT)
U+0020     Space
U+00A0     Non-break space
U+1680     Ogham space mark
U+180E     Mongolian vowel separator
U+2000     En quad
U+2001     Em quad
U+2002     En space
U+2003     Em space
U+2004     Three-per-em space
U+2005     Four-per-em space
U+2006     Six-per-em space
U+2007     Figure space
U+2008     Punctuation space
U+2009     Thin space
U+200A     Hair space
U+202F     Narrow no-break space
U+205F     Medium mathematical space
U+3000     Ideographic space

The vertical space characters are:

U+000A     Linefeed (LF)
U+000B     Vertical tab (VT)
U+000C     Form feed (FF)
U+000D     Carriage return (CR)
U+0085     Next line (NEL)
U+2028     Line separator
U+2029     Paragraph separator

You can see a test iteration of preg_replace with the u Unicode flag tackling all of the listed spaces. They are all trimmed as expected, following the PCRE spec. If you targeted only the horizontal spaces above, \h would match them, as \v would with all the vertical spaces.

The use of \p{Z} seen in some answers will fail on some counts; specifically, with most of the ASCII spaces, and shockingly, also with the Mongolian vowel separator. Kublai Khan would be furious. Here's the list of misses with \p{Z}: U+0009 Horizontal tab (HT), U+000A Linefeed (LF), U+000C Form feed (FF), U+000D Carriage return (CR), U+0085 Next line (NEL), and U+180E Mongolian vowel separator.

As to why that happens, the above PCRE specification also notes: "\s any character that matches \p{Z} or \h or \v". That is, \s is a superset of \p{Z}. Then, simply use \s in place of \p{Z}. It's more comprehensive and the import is more immediately obvious for someone reading your code, who may not remember the shorties for all character types.

My two cents

The actual solution to your question is that you should first do encoding checks before working to alter foreign input strings. Many are quick to learn about "sanitizing and validating" input data, but slow to learn the step of identifying the underlying nature (character encoding) of the strings they are working with early on.

How many bytes will be used to represent each character? With properly formatted UTF-8, it can be 1 (the characters trim deals with), 2, 3, or 4 bytes. The problem comes in when legacy, or malformed, representations of UTF-8 come into play--the byte character boundaries might not line up as expected (layman speak).

In PHP, some advocate that all strings should be forced to conform to proper UTF-8 encoding (1, 2, 3, or 4 bytes per character), where functions like trim() will still work because the byte/character boundary for the characters it deals with will be congruent for the Extended ASCII / 1-byte values that trim() seeks to eliminate from the start and end of a string (trim manual page).

However, because computer programming is a diverse field, one cannot possible have a blanket approach that works in all scenarios. With that said, write your application the way it needs to be to function properly. Just doing a basic database driven website with form inputs? Yes, for my money force everything to be UTF-8.

Note: You will still have internationalization issues, even if your UTF-8 issue is stable. Why? Many non-English character sets exist in the 2, 3, or 4 byte space (code points, etc.). Obviously, if you use a computer that must deal with Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Arabic, or Hebrew scripts, you want everything to work with 2, 3, and 4 bytes as well! Remember, the PHP trim function can trim default characters, or user specified ones. This matters, especially if you need your trim to account for some Chinese characters.

I would much rather deal with the problem of someone not being able to access my site, then the problem of access and responses that should not be occurring. When you think about it, this falls in line with the principles of least privilege (security) and universal design (accessibility).


If input data will not conform to proper UTF-8 encoding, you may want to throw an exception. You can attempt to use the PHP multi-byte functions to determine your encoding, or some other multi-byte library. If, and when, PHP is written to fully support unicode (Perl, Java ...), PHP will be all the better for it. The PHP unicode effort died a few years ago, hence you are forced to use extra libraries to deal with UTF-8 multi-byte strings sanely. Just adding the /u flag to preg_replace() is not looking at the big picture.


That being said, I believe the following multibyte trim would be useful for those trying to extract REST resources from the path component of a url (less the query string, naturally. Note: this would be useful after sanitizing and validating the path string.

function mb_path_trim($path)
    return preg_replace("/^(?:\/)|(?:\/)$/u", "", $path);
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