
Trying to create or import a model, I find this error. I am using SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio 7.0, apparently there is some incompatibility of some java plug-in for this platform to be run on win7.

some help!?

enter image description here

도움이 되었습니까?


The Null pointer Exception throws when some variable doesn't have any initial values. Restart the application may force the program work fine.

Pls refer the link

Solution for the similar issue

다른 팁

And yes Dhivya, yesterday I found this link that solves the problem.


By using a different operating system than Win XP, we must look to the NetWeaver Eclipse folder, a file called vm.parameters.

C:\Program Files\SAP\IDE\IDE70\eclipse

and add the following line.

-Dos.name='Windows XP'

and ready to resolve the problem.

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