how to prefix a culture string such as “en-gb” before the {controller} position in the url in mvc?



so basically I want to achieve a multi-lingual website with the following scenarios:

  • Using ASP.NET MVC 3
  • most language are using resource files so they are using same views, however there are also many views that are country-specific (i.e. language culture specific) and not available for all.
  • example url: http://localhost/en-us/{area}/{controller}/{action}/{id}

The MVC folder structure as here:

- Areas
    - Channel1
        - Controllers
        - Content
        - Views
            - en-us
                - View1.cshtml
                - View2.cshtml
            - zh-cn
                - View1.cshtml
                - View2.cshtml
                <b>- Special.cshtml</b>

    - Channel2
       ....(similar folder structure)
- ....

I think there must be a way to define the "en-us" into a parameter like {lang} and make decision in a default Controller outside the Areas - however I'm MVC newbie, how can I do that?

도움이 되었습니까?


You can always write your own viewengine to look at folders based on what comes in. There's code out there for a ThemedViewengine that does just that.

다른 팁

Here's a fantastic article with practical suggestions on how to implement globalization on ASP.NET MVC 3

There's no great way to do this, but it is possible. First, you need to rearrange your views a little bit -- they still have to have a controller. Let's say the files you have (View1.cshtml and View2.cshtml) live in your home controller. Put them here:

- Views
  - Home
    - en-us
      - View1.cshtml
      - View2.cshtml
    - zh-cn
      - View1.cshtml
      - View2.cshtml

Then, create a custom route for the views in Global.asax.cs:

    new {  controller = "Home", action = "Index", lang="en-us", id = UrlParameter.Optional }

Finally, in your home controller (or whatever controller you want to put the views in), use the lang parameter to determine which view to use:

public ActionResult View1( string lang, int? id ) {
    return View( lang + "/View1" );

public ActionResult View2( string lang, int? id ) {
    return View( lang + "/View2" );

I tried this and it works, but it feels awfully clunky, and not very DRY (at least in the actions). Anyone have a better approach?

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