
Is there anyway to check if strict mode 'use strict' is enforced , and we want to execute different code for strict mode and other code for non-strict mode. Looking for function like isStrictMode();//boolean

도움이 되었습니까?


The fact that this inside a function called in the global context will not point to the global object can be used to detect strict mode:

var isStrict = (function() { return !this; })();


> echo '"use strict"; var isStrict = (function() { return !this; })(); console.log(isStrict);' | node
> echo 'var isStrict = (function() { return !this; })(); console.log(isStrict);' | node

다른 팁

I prefer something that doesn't use exceptions and works in any context, not only global one:

var mode = (eval("var __temp = null"), (typeof __temp === "undefined")) ? 

It uses the fact the in strict mode eval doesn't introduce a new variable into the outer context.

function isStrictMode() {
    try{var o={p:1,p:2};}catch(E){return true;}
    return false;

Looks like you already got an answer. But I already wrote some code. So here

Yep, this is 'undefined' within a global method when you are in strict mode.

function isStrictMode() {
    return (typeof this == 'undefined');

More elegant way: if "this" is object, convert it to true

"use strict"

var strict = ( function () { return !!!this } ) ()

if ( strict ) {
    console.log ( "strict mode enabled, strict is " + strict )
} else {
    console.log ( "strict mode not defined, strict is " + strict )

Warning + universal solution

Many answers here declare a function to check for strict mode, but such a function will tell you nothing about the scope it was called from, only the scope in which it was declared!

function isStrict() { return !this; };

function test(){
  'use strict';
  console.log(isStrict()); // false

Same with cross-script-tag calls.

So whenever you need to check for strict mode, you need to write the entire check in that scope:

var isStrict = true;
eval("var isStrict = false");

Unlike the most upvoted answer, this check by Yaron works not only in the global scope.

Another solution can take advantage of the fact that in strict mode, variables declared in eval are not exposed on the outer scope

function isStrict() {
    var x=true;
    eval("var x=false");
    return x;
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