
.getProperty("style") outputs TestObject(Ref:RemoteProxyReference{testContext:af4e390002a336, objectId:3171, testObjectClass:TestObject})

while to[0].getProperties() outputs text hash where key "style" is presented {... , style=DISPLAY: none, oncontrolselect=null Object, rowSpan=1, .....}

How can I get the value of the property with key style?

here's sample of my code ...

TestObject[] to=null;
RegularExpression findRegExp1 = new RegularExpression(find_arguments[1], false) ;
RootTestObject root = getRootTestObject();
to = root.find(atDescendant(find_arguments[0],findRegExp1),false);

System.out.println( to[0].getProperties()); 

Both methods are standard RFT methods. More info at IBM Rational Functional Tester API Reference

도움이 되었습니까?

해결책 3

I opened a ticket with IBM support and this is the final answer:

"I have done the test in your website and confirmed the getProperty("style") output. It was a bug and has been fixed in RFT8.2.1.1. I confirmed that the getProperty method in RFT works well."

다른 팁


This invokes toString() on the value of to[0].getProperty(). The object being returned by getProperty() likely has methods to retrieve various attributes, such as the text value, but produces the output you see for a simple toString().

You are going to have to research this in the RFT documentation to determine which method provides the data you want.

I think "stlye" is a Non-Value property. As the documentation states: http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/rfthelp/v7r0m0/index.jsp?topic=/com.rational.test.ft.api.help/ApiReference/com/rational/test/ft/object/interfaces/TestObject.html

You can find the non-value properties by calling getNonValueProperties(). You can use the getProperty method to access both value and non-value properties. If you access a non-value property, the property returns a TestObject that contains a reference to the (non-value) object in the software under test.

you cannot access the content of that property.

Open up the Test Object Inspector and look if "style" is in the Non-Value Properties panelNon Value properties in the Test Object Inspector

I just tried with IE6 on a page and cannot read the "style" property.

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