
If I'm understanding correctly,

  1. PyMODINIT_FUNC in Python 2.X has been replaced by PyModule_Create in Python3.X
  2. Both return PyObject*, however, in Python 3.X, the module's initialization function MUST return the PyObject* to the module - i.e.

       return PyModule_Create(&spammodule);

    whereas in Python2.X, this is not necessary - i.e.

      (void) Py_InitModule("spam", SpamMethods);

So, my sanity checking questions are:

  • Is my understanding correct?
  • Why was this change made?

Right now, I'm only experimenting with very simple cases of C-extensions of Python. Perhaps if I were doing more, the answer to this would be obvious, or maybe if I were trying to embed Python into something else....

도움이 되었습니까?


  1. Yes, your understanding is correct. You must return the new module object from the initing function with return type PyMODINIT_FUNC. (PyMODINIT_FUNC declares the function to return void in python2, and to return PyObject* in python3.)

  2. I can only speculate as to the motivations of the people who made the change, but I believe it was so that errors in importing the module could be more easily identified (you can return NULL from the module-init function in python3 if something went wrong).

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