
Compiling a Playframework-2.01 project I got the following output:

[java-ebean-templ] $ compile
[info] Updating {file:/home/sb/workspace/java-ebean-templ/}java-ebean-templ...
[info] Done updating.                                                                  
[error] {file:/home/sb/workspace/java-ebean-templ/}java-ebean-templ/compile:sources: PlayException: Compilation error [Not parsed?]
[error] Total time: 4 s, completed May 30, 2012 9:41:00 AM
[java-ebean-templ] $ 

and nothing else! What does it mean?

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Agree that the error message is not very clear.

This message seems to appear in my case when there is a syntax error in the scala view templates. So make sure they are clean before searching any further.

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