
I have a custom jQuery widget that is being called from my app that uses backbone.js for MVC. How can I use the backbone events pattern in my custom jQuery widget?

function( $ ) {
  $.widget( "medex.chooser", {
  _create: function() {
      // Would I create a new backbone view here???


도움이 되었습니까?


I think you need to define a custom View that is then called by your custom widget.

In your app initialization code, for example:

APP = {};          // your app's global object
APP.Views = {};

APP.Views.WidgetView = Backbone.View.extend(
    events: {
        "click .grid1" : "onGrid1Click"

    initialize: function() {
        // code here

    onGrid1Click : function(evt) {
        // code here

Then this will be the constructor code for your widget:

function Widget(element) {
   this.view = new APP.Views.WidgetView({ el: element });

This code might not be entirely valid, but should give you an idea of the structure you were looking for. Lemme know if this works for you.

다른 팁

If you're still looking for an answer, you could convert a widget into a view. The basic rules for converting from a Widget to a View are these:

  • _create becomes initialize
  • this.element becomes this.$el
  • refresh becomes render
  • destroy becomes remove
  • $('.someDiv').myWidget() becomes new MyView({ el: $('.someDiv') });
  • options have to become constructor parameters, but can be handled a couple of different ways
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