
I have been exploring patterns in various MV* frameworks out there and today noticed a weird one, which seems to cause some issues

Model prototype. has a property collections: []

Collection prototype. has a property models: []

When a collection gets a new model, it is being pushed into collection.models but the model itself is also decorated to be aware of the collection it is a member of - i.e. the collection instance is pushed into model.collections.

so model.collections[0] is a collection that contains a .models[0] being the model that has a collection property... and so on.

at its most basic:

var A = function() {
    this.collections = [];
    B = function() {
        this.models = [];
        this.add = function(what) {

var model = new A();
var collection = new B();


Here's the guilty party in action: https://github.com/lyonbros/composer.js/blob/master/composer.js#L310-313 and then further down it's pushing into models here: https://github.com/lyonbros/composer.js/blob/master/composer.js#L781-784

I suppose there is going to be a degree of lazy evaluation - things won't be used until they are needed. That code - on its own - works.

But I was also writing tests via buster.js and I noticed that all the tests that had reliance on sinon.spy() were producing InternalError: too much recursion (FF) or RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded(Chrome). The captured FF was even crashing unresponsively, which I have never encountered with buster test driver before - it even went to 3.5gb of ram use over my lunch break.

After a fair amount of debugging, I undid the reference storage and suddenly, it was all working fine again. Admittedly, the removal of the spy() assertions also worked but that's not the point.

So, the question is - having code like that, is it acceptable, how will the browsers interpret it, what is the bottleneck and how would you decorate your models with a pointer to the collection they belong in (perhaps a collection controller and collection uids or something).

full gist of the buster.js test that will fail: https://gist.github.com/2960549

도움이 되었습니까?


The browsers don't care. The issue is that the tool you were using failed to check for cyclic reference chains through the object graph. Those are perfectly legitimate, at least they are if you want them and expect them.

If you think of an object and its properties, and the objects referenced directly or indirectly via those properties, then that assembly makes up a graph. If it's possible to follow references around and wind up back where you started, then that means the graph has a cycle. It's definitely a good thing that the language allows cycles. Whether it's appropriate in a given system is up to the relevant code.

Thus, for example, a recursive function that traverses an object graph without checking to see if it's already visited an object will definitely trigger a "too much recursion" error if the graph is cyclic.

다른 팁

There will only be two objects referencing each other (called "circular reference").

var a, b = {a: a={b: b}};
// a.b: pointer to b
// b.a: pointer to a

There is no recursion at all. If you are getting too much recursion or Maximum call stack size exceeded errors, there needs to be a function which is invoked too often. This could e.g. happen when you try to clone the objects and recurse over the properties without caring for circular references. You'll need to look further in your code, also the error messages should include a (very long) call stack.

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