
인간 스타일 코딩이 포함 된 코딩 된 언어가 있습니까? 예를 들어:

Create an object called MyVar and initialize it to 10;
Take MyVar and call MyMethod() with parameters. . .

나는 그것이 그렇게 유용하지 않다는 것을 알고 있지만, 그런 문법을 만드는 것은 흥미로울 수 있습니다.

도움이 되었습니까?


COBOL is a lot like that.


Another sample from Wikipedia:


Oddly enough though, despite its design to be readable as English, most programmers completely undermined this with bizarre naming conventions:


다른 팁

How about LOLCODE?


Simplicity itself!

Inform 7

Inform 7 is perhaps the language I feel is most appropriately designed in a human language fashion. It is quite application specific for writing adventure games.

It is based on rule-based semantics, where you write a lot of rules describing the relationship between objects and their location. For instance, the section below is an Inform 7 program:

"Hello Deductible" by "I.F. Author"

The story headline is "An Interactive Example".

The Living Room is a room. "A comfortably furnished living room."
The Kitchen is north of the Living Room.
The Front Door is south of the Living Room.
The Front Door is a door. The Front Door is closed and locked.

The insurance salesman is a man in the Living Room. The description is "An insurance salesman in a tacky polyester suit. He seems eager to speak to you." Understand "man" as the insurance salesman.

A briefcase is carried by the insurance salesman. The description is "A slightly worn, black briefcase."  Understand "case" as the briefcase.

The insurance paperwork is in the briefcase. The description is "Page after page of small legalese." Understand "papers" or "documents" or "forms" as the paperwork.

Instead of listening to the insurance salesman: 
    say "The salesman bores you with a discussion of life  insurance policies.  From his briefcase he pulls some paperwork which he hands to you.";
    move the insurance paperwork to the player.

Example cited from Wikipedia

AppleScript is pretty close to that, though that is obviously platform dependent.

Here's a script for opening iTunes and playing a playlist

tell application "iTunes"
    play playlist "Party Shuffle"
end tell

Source: AppleScript Examples

Projects promoting programming in "natural language" are intrinsically doomed to fail.

-- Edsger W.Dijkstra, How do we tell truths that might hurt?

This was "the next big thing" around about the early 1980s and I spent much of my first couple of years as a a coder working in "NATURAL", which was the supposedly the best of the new crop of 4GLs (fourth generation languages) which were designed to make data access (in this case to an ADABAS database) human readable.

Of course it did absolutely nothing of the type. All we ended up with was verbose badly structured code. Both of these products are still around, but you've never heard of them, which sort of proves the what a dead end it was.

Actually at that period there appeared to be a general desire to move beyond 'programming' into some sort of 2001 inspired AI heaven. Oracle were really keen on code generation and I remember with some interest a product called 'the last one' that was being marketed to managers as a product that would automatically generate any program you wanted and make all your programming staff redundant. Seems not to have lived up to expectations ;-)

It's worth remembering to that SQL was originally marketed in some quarters as a way to allow management to directly query their data. I was even sent on a course to learn basic SQL (in a large national transport organization that ran on rails - the steel variety) where junior management types were included because they had plans to put basic query tools in their hands. What a disaster that was.

Maybe it might be different in 50 years, but at the current stage of play coding demands a certain clarity of thought and implementation which is best mediated through a dedicated syntax designed for those ends, not any approximation to a natural language which is unclear and ambiguous. The nearest approximation is possibly physics where the essence of the subject is in the mathematics used (think a programming language for physics) not verbose wordage.


I was forgetting, apart from COBOL there was also PL/1, sometime credited with allowing NASA to put a man on the moon it was just as verbose as COBOL and tried even harder to be 'Manager-readable'. Which is why no-one has really heard of it now either :-)

Chef! Anyone can read recipes right? Behold hello world!

72 g haricot beans
101 eggs
108 g lard
111 cups oil
32 zucchinis
119 ml water
114 g red salmon
100 g dijon mustard
33 potatoes

Put potatoes into the mixing bowl. Put dijon mustard into the mixing bowl. 
Put lard into the mixing bowl. Put red salmon into the mixing bowl. Put oil into the mixing bowl. 
Put water into the mixing bowl. Put zucchinis into the mixing bowl. Put oil into the mixing bowl. 
Put lard into the mixing bowl. Put lard into the mixing bowl. Put eggs into the mixing bowl. 
Put haricot beans into the mixing bowl. Liquefy contents of the mixing bowl. 
Pour contents of the mixing bowl into the baking dish.

Sorry if it's not a serious answer, but this is way awesome. :-)

All languages are 'human readable'. :) How else would someone be able to create it? That being said, languages that support DSLs can be incredibly intuitive such as Boo.

Having a programming language read like a (verbose) normal language, would be like requiring people to converse all the time in legalese. All the extra verbiage just gets in the way.

An ideal programming language should have syntax that is as transparent as possible and let the concepts behind the program stand out. Obviously there is a trade off between having a quick learning curve and having minimal but obscure syntax (think Perl, or even K).

By creating a set of rules, it is possible to do logic programming in Prolog like this. You can build a grammar (or download one) for a particular domain, create a knowledge base and then query it. After defining your grammar you could do something like:

bob is a parent of tim.
mary is a parent of bob.

?- X is a grandparent of tim.
X = mary

?- jim is a parent of bob.

I see the Shakespeare programming language have yet to be mentioned.

These programs are coded to look like shakespear plays, the individial characters in the play being variables that can hold numbers and the various phrases in the play manipulate the characters and the number they hold. For instance, "Speak your mind" orders a character to output his value.


tell application "Finder"
 set the percent_free to ¬
 (((the free space of the startup disk) / (the capacity of the startup disk)) * 100) div 1
end tell
if the percent_free is less than 10 then
 tell application (path to frontmost application as text)
 display dialog "The startup disk has only " & the percent_free & ¬
 " percent of its capacity available." & return & return & ¬
 "Should this script continue?" with icon 1
 end tell
end if

I can read C. That means it's human-readable(because I'm a human). It's just too terse for the average person. The general concept of programming languages is to maximize the information about how the computer should operate in a given line.

This is why Ruby is so popular; it maximizes the functionality in minimal text. English(or any other other natural language) is a pretty imprecise, low-information/character language.

In sum, it is: (i)done before and (ii)a known weaker idea.

This is actually a hot topic.

For starters - What is Human readable?

A Chinese-reader cannot read Russian and vice versa. It you narrow your domain for example to Chinese pharmacists writing a perscription you could design a language around that. And that would be human readable.

Such as language would fall under a the umbrella of Domain Specific Languages.


SELECT name, address FROM customers WHERE region = 'Europe'

Yes. It's called COBOL, and people generally detest it.

Inform 7 is the most successful such system I've seen. It has two advantages over the cruder systems listed in other answers here: it's for a domain particularly appropriate for natural language (interactive fiction), and it does a fancier analysis of the input code based on more computational-linguistics lore, not just a conventional programming-language grammar that happens to use English words instead of braces, etc.

Perl, some people claim.

print "hello!" and open my $File, '<', $path or die "Couldn't open the file after saying hello!";

Do a google search for "natural language programming" and you'll find lots of information (including why this is a bad idea).

Clarity of Expression is important.

But Clarity of Thought is far, far more important.

HyperTalk and its descendant AppleScript were designed to be similar to the English language.

VB is as close as I can think of one:

If MyLife.Sucks Then MyLife.End Else MyLife.Continue

Sure, Erlang.


 by_length(Lists) ->
    F = fun(A,B) when is_list(A), is_list(B) ->
            length(A) < length(B)
    qsort(Lists, F).

 qsort([], _)-> [];
 qsort([Pivot|Rest], Smaller) ->
     qsort([ X || X <- Rest, Smaller(X,Pivot)], Smaller)
     ++ [Pivot] ++
     qsort([ Y ||Y <- Rest, not(Smaller(Y, Pivot))], Smaller).

I'm a human, it's a programming language, and I can read it. I don't know what any of it means, but I see a lot of English words in there, I think.

(Tongue firmly in cheek.)

DSLs can be very natural-looking. See this example created with MGrammar:

test "Searching google for watin"
    goto "http://www.google.se"
    type "watin" into "q"
    click "btnG"
    assert that text "WatiN Home" exists
    assert that element "res" exists

COBOL was intended to be read by managers, and has "noise words" to make it more readable.

The funny thing is, it reads a bit like a verbose DSL.

Being more human-readable than most was one of the early selling points of Ada. I find it a silly argument these days, as any sufficently complex task in any language is going to require a competent practicioner to understand. However, it does beat the bejeezus out of C-syntax languages. Its dominant coding styles can enhance this effect too. For example, comparing loops in an if statement: Ada:

if Time_To_Loop then
   for i in Some_Array loop
      Some_Array(i) := i;
   end loop;
end if;


if (timeToLoop != 0) {
   for (int i=0;i<SOME_ARRAY_LENGTH;i++) {
      someArray[i] = i;

The C code would look even worse if I used Hungarian notation like Microsoft, but I'm trying to be nice. :-)

Interesting question. Your question can be read as "Is there any programming language that is easily readable by humans?", OR ELSE as "Is there a human language that can be used for programming?". All the answers here have focused on the former, so let me try answering the latter.

Have you heard of Sanskrit? It is an ancient Indian language on which modern Indian languages like Hindi are based.


I've been hearing for years that it is precise and complete enough to be used, as it is, as a high-level language on a computer. Ofcourse, you need a compiler to convert Sanskrit instructions to machine language. I know the script & yes, it is precise (entirely phonetic so you never have to ask "how do you spell that"), but I don't know the grammer well enough.

This is completeley anecdotal, so I don't vouch for the accuracy of this. Just wanted to share what I know regarding this. :-)

I agree with the general consensus here. "Human readable" general purpose programming languages are mostly a bad idea, but human readable Domain Specific Languages are very worthwhile.

REBOL has a great system for creating DSLs.


It only has one statement: "you - write me a program to do x"
It's valid for all values of X and has the advantage that x doesn't have to be defined and can be changed after the program is written.

A commercial dialect is available called intern: development cost is lower but it isn't guaranteed to work

Cobol was kind of like that.

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