
Does anyone have worked with cXML and C#?

I'm working in a project that will need to create cXML files (integration will Dell's electronic Purchase Ordering system) and have found some libs like this one, but now I wonder if anyone here has another ideia of how to create those files.


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Well, cXML is based on XML, so you could use XmlWriter, XmlDocument, XDocument (Linq to XML), or even XML serialization if you want an object model of the document

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Go here and download the DTD file. Then open the document in Visual Studio (2013) and go to XML menu at the top and click "Create Schema". This will make an XSD file. Save it somewhere. Then use the VS Developer Command prompt, navigate to the directory where you just saved your XSD file and execute this command:

"xsd.exe filename.xsd /classes /language:CS"

It will then generate a CS file containing all of the cXML classes that you can reference in your project.

I may add that since cXML v1.1.xx, there is a new Digital Signature stuff in it that will prevent XSD from creating the classe file. It should return an error like "

The element 'uri:ds:Signature' is missing.


However, you can take a look HERE : just remove that line from the XSD.

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