
I am a little bit confused how SVN related settings should be configured assuming I want to use SVN on my local machine. They are as below:

  1. Are the folders -- trunk, branch and tag -- created by default or do we need to introduce it ourselves (like using mkdir command on UNIX)?
  2. Is it a good practice to name our repository as svn or can it be any?
도움이 되었습니까?


1) No, the trunk,branches,tags directories are not automatic or even required. That particular directory heirarchy is just a common practice and you must create each directory yourself via svn mkdir. If you are on a Unix system with a Bash shell, you can do it in one go:

 svn mkdir file:///your/svn/repo/projectname/{trunk,tags,branches}

2) Your repository name is completely arbitrary. Name it whatever you want.

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