
What if I don't need a special factory class and I want a concrete client to instantiate right parts. The client needs to call Hello() from that part. Everywhere else the focus is on making the factory method a method of a special creator class. But here it is right away in a client. Is this still a factory method pattern and is it even correct to use it as shown below?

using System;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            AClient c1 = new ClientUsingPart1();
            AClient c2 = new ClientUsingPart2();

    abstract class AClient
        public AClient() { this.ipart = Create(); }

        public void Foo() { ipart.Hello(); }
        // many other methods
        // ...
        public abstract IPart Create();  // factory method
        IPart ipart;

    class ClientUsingPart1 : AClient
        public override IPart Create() { return new Part1(); }

    class ClientUsingPart2 : AClient
        public override IPart Create() { return new Part2(); }

    interface IPart
        void Hello();

    class Part1 : IPart
        public void Hello() { Console.WriteLine("hello from part1"); }
    class Part2 : IPart
        public void Hello() { Console.WriteLine("hello from part2"); }

도움이 되었습니까?

해결책 2

According to this: Differences between Abstract Factory Pattern and Factory Method It seems the code I posted in the original post shows a valid use of the factory method pattern. The key is - factory method is just a method of the class - which also may be the sole client of the created objects.

Or in another way: factory method does not need to be public and provide the created objects to the outside world. In my example the Create() method should be protected.

다른 팁

Depending on exactly what you need to achieve you should probably use some for of dependency injection with an IoC container of your choice; with StructureMap, Autofac, Unit, Ninject, Castle Windsor all very popular. Once you IoC container has built the concrete classes it should support a syntax like this

foreach (var client in Container.Resolve<IEnumerable<AClient>>())

You can read more about how to achieve this with StructureMap here: Does an abstract class work with StructureMap like an interface does?

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