
Can anyone tell me where I am going wrong... I am using the following to vertically align a div by setting the margin-top, using the (window).height. 625 is the height of the Div being centered...

This works in Firefox but IE7 doesn't set the margin-top until you resize the browser window.

The test site is at http://guylloyd.co.uk

Any thought would be amazingly appreciated!


jQuery(document).ready(function () {

var $marginTop = ((jQuery(window).height() - 625) / 2 + 'px');
if(jQuery(window).height() > 625){
jQuery('body').css({'margin-top': $marginTop});   

var $marginTop = ((jQuery(window).height() - 625) / 2 + 'px');
if(jQuery(window).height() > 625){
jQuery('body').css({'margin-top': $marginTop});


도움이 되었습니까?


You really dont need to use jquery to lay out the content in that fashion, simple css and xhtml could achieve the same thing.

It could be an issue the same as in IE6 which causes a delay in the javascript to be executed try including a time out and a call to the code Seth has designed

function doResize() {   
    var $marginTop = ((jQuery(window).height() - 625) / 2 + 'px');   
    if(jQuery(window).height() > 625){   
        jQuery('body').css({'margin-top': $marginTop});   
//when document has been fully loaded
    setTimeout('doResize()', 1 );


다른 팁

I'm not sure about your actual question, which is why IE7 isn't setting the margin until you resize the window, but you might consider reducing redundant code like this:

function doResize() {
    var $marginTop = ((jQuery(window).height() - 625) / 2 + 'px');
    if(jQuery(window).height() > 625){
        jQuery('body').css({'margin-top': $marginTop});


As for IE, what happens if you add some alert statements to the method so you can tell when they are called. Is IE7 not executing the document.ready function? Or is it executing, but not doing anything?

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