
How can I convert int to System.Windows.GridLength in VB, NET so that I can set the height of a grid row in Silverlight (xaml).

In xaml file:

<RowDefinition Height="0" x:Name="rowerror"  />


rowerror.Height = CType(30, System.Windows.GridLength)

This as I wrote in VB.NET. I know I'm wrong, but how do you do if the int to System.Windows.GridLength so that the height of the "rowerror" whether that be 30?

도움이 되었습니까?


rowerror.Height = new GridLength(30)

다른 팁

The MSDN Documentation provides an example of this using a GridLengthConverter..

Dim myGridLengthConverter As System.Windows.GridLengthConverter = New System.Windows.GridLengthConverter()


rowerror.Height = CType(myGridLengthConverter.ConvertFromString("30"), GridLength)
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