
Has anybody got any experience of getting Selectivizr to work with IE7/8 and RequireJS?

I've tried adding the conditional comments as per usual, I've had this working no problem before, I'm running off a localhost.

I think it has something to do with jQuery needing to be run before Selectivizr, something that RequireJS seems to complicate.

Any help would be great, cheers.

도움이 되었습니까?


For some reason the yepnope method didn't work, it still would load selectivizr as the first script, even before modernizr, this must be something to do with the asynchronous way yepnope works.

The way I've solved this in my case is to add a conditional comment before my html tag

<!--[if (gte IE 6)&(lte IE 8)]><html class="lt-ie9"><![endif]-->

I've then got a separate "ie-tidy.js" which I call from require js. So my config looks something like this (this is trimmed down)


paths: {
    jquery: "../jquery-1.7.2.min",
    app: ".",
    selectivizr: '../selectivizr-min'
"shim": {
    "cookie": ["jquery"],
    "selectivizr": ["jquery"]
requirejs(['jquery', 'app/header', 'app/ie-tidy'], function ($) {

Then inside my ie-tidy.js I do the following (amongst other ie-specific scripts)

define(['jquery'], function ($) {
"use strict"

$(function() {
    if ($('html.lt-ie9').size()) {
           require(['jquery', 'selectivizr']);

This works exactly how I'd like it to, loading selectivizr after jQuery and applying the selectivizr classes as expected. Thanks for your help @Dzulqarnain

다른 팁

According to the Selectivizr website you do need to specify one of the libraries defined in the table located on the front page.

You could always load Selectivizr using YepNope or something similar after jQuery has been defined.


    shim: {
        'yepnope' : {
            exports: 'yepnope'

    paths: {
        'jquery' : 'jquery-min',
        'yepnope' : 'yepnope-min'

require(['jquery', 'yepnope'], function($){
        load: ['iegt5!ielt9!selectivizr-min.js']

    // do other stuff
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