
good morning! i am using c# (framework 3.5sp1) and want to parse following piece of html via regex:

<h1>My caption</h1>
<p>Here will be some text</p>

<hr class="cs" />
<h2 id="x">CaptionX</h2>
<p>Some text</p>

<hr class="cs" />
<h2 id="x">CaptionX</h2>
<p>Some text</p>

<hr class="cs" />
<h2 id="x">CaptionX</h2>
<p>Some text</p>

i need following output:

  • group 1: content of h1
  • group 2: content of h1-following text
  • group 3-n: content of subcaptions + text

what i have atm:


this will give me every odd subcaption + content (eg. 1, 3, ...) due to the trailing <hr/>. for parsing the h1-caption i have another pattern (<h1.*?>(.*?)</h1>), which only gives me the caption but not the content - i'm fine with that atm.

does anybody have a hint/solution for me or any alternative logics (eg. parsing the html via reader and assigning it this way?)?

as some brought in HTMLAgilityPack, i was curious about this nice tool. i accomplished getting content of the <h1>-tag.
but ... myproblem is parsing the rest. this is caused by: the tags for the content may vary - from <p> to <div> and <ul>... atm this seems more or less iterate over the whole document and parsing tag for tag ...? any hints?

도움이 되었습니까?


You will really need HTML parser for this

다른 팁

Don't use regex to parse HTML. Consider using the HTML Agility Pack.

There are some possibilities:

REGEX - Fast but not reliable, it cant deal with malformed html.

HtmlAgilityPack - Good, but have many memory leaks. If you want to deal with a few files, there is no problem.

SGMLReader - Really good, but there are a problem. Sometimes it cant find the default namespace to get others nodes, then it is impossible to parse html.


Majestic-12 - Good but not so fast as SGMLReader.


Example for SGMLreader (VB.net)

Dim sgmlReader As New Sgml.SgmlReader()
Public htmldoc As New System.Xml.Linq.XDocument
sgmlReader.DocType = "HTML"
sgmlReader.WhitespaceHandling = System.Xml.WhitespaceHandling.All
sgmlReader.CaseFolding = Sgml.CaseFolding.ToLower
sgmlReader.InputStream = New System.IO.StringReader(vSource)
sgmlReader.CaseFolding = CaseFolding.ToLower
htmldoc = XDocument.Load(sgmlReader)    
Dim XNS As XNamespace 

' In this part you can have a bug, sometimes it cant get the Default Namespace*********
      XNS = htmldoc.Root.GetDefaultNamespace
        XNS = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
End Try
If XNS.NamespaceName.Trim = "" Then
        XNS = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
End If

'use it with the linq commands
For Each link In htmldoc.Descendants(XNS + "script")
        Scripts &= link.Value

In Majestic-12 is different, you have to walk to every tag with a "Next" command. You can find a example code with the dll.

As others have mentioned, use the HtmlAgilityPack. However, if you like jQuery/CSS selectors, I just found a fork of the HtmlAgilityPack called Fizzler: http://code.google.com/p/fizzler/ Using this you could find all <p> tags using:

var pTags = doc.DocumentNode.QuerySelectorAll('p').ToList();

Or find a specific div like <div id="myDiv"></div>:

var myDiv = doc.DocumentNode.QuerySelectorAll('#myDiv');

It can't get any easier than that!

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