
I have a little problem showing html file as documentation on my google code page.

I need to know where the SVN config file is on google code.

I tried to upload a file called 'config' into the root directory of the SVN and into the /.subversion/ directory but it's not being applied, or at least the HTML pages just show as plain text when clicking 'raw file'.

I read this: http://manjeetdahiya.com/2010/09/29/serving-html-documentation-from-google-code-svn/

but don't really know where the config file is..

도움이 되었습니까?


The link you provided the SVN client config is meant. You didn't specify your OS and SVN client, but I can say, that on Linux this is located in your home directory, there should be a directory called .subversion which contains the client configuration file. On Windows check the directory where the client program is installed.

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