WPF ItemsControl - how to know when the items finished loading, so that I can focus the first one?

StackOverflow https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2492214


I have an ItemsControl in my View, that is bound to an ObservableCollection from ViewModel. The collection is filled, and afterwards an event from VM to view is raised (think search results and SearchFinished event).

I would like to move keyboard focus to the first item in an ItemsControl, but when I do it in View's code-behind when handling SearchFinished, the items are not yet rendered (the collection is filled already, but wpf's rendering is asynchronous and didn't happen yet), so there is nothing to focus (Focus() needs to have the items' visual tree already constructed).

I wanted to do (myItemsControl.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromIndex(0) as UIElement).Focus();, but as the 0th item is not yet loaded, ContainerFromIndex(0) returns null.

I tried delaying it with Dispatcher.BeginInvoke... with low priority, but that is dependent on exact timing and usually doesn't work.

How can I wait until the first item in ItemsControl is Loaded?

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You can use the ItemContainerGenerator.StatusChanged event, and then check its Status property. If the Status == GeneratorStatus.ContainersGenerated, then you can safely get the first container.

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