
Update 3:

Never mind. I kinda got what I was looking for. The following gives unique identifiers inside a class.

static const int _counter_start = __COUNTER__;
static const int val1 = __COUNTER__ - _counter_start;
static const int val2 = __COUNTER__ - _counter_start;

Update 2:

Boost Preprocessor

I will be implementing something akin to a message map with this functionality.

class a

The thing is, for each MAP_DECL, I need to expand the macro in 2 places.

class a
    virtual void func()
        //does something with the decl declaration        
    //also expand some stuff here    

Boost preprocessor should (theoretically) allow me to accumulate MAP_DECL into a sequence and expand it into func() at the end (while simultaneously expanding the class fields as we go).

Update 1:

I'm using the Boost Preprocessor library at the moment. I'm currently stuck creating a new macro variable/definition like the following every time I need to add something to the sequence.

I'm trying to expand Boost Preprocessor sequences and I'm stuck doing this at the moment

#define SEQ (w)(x)(y)(z) 


Suppose I have the following code

#define CUR 2
#define CUR CUR + 2

How do I force the 2nd line to use the value of CUR from the first line?

도움이 되었습니까?


Succinctly, you can't.

At the time when CUR is expanded (after the second #define), the preprocessor will replace an instance of CUR with CUR + 2, and 'blue paint' the name CUR (not expanding it any further). Thereafter, the C compiler sees CUR + 2, which most likely yields a compilation error.

다른 팁

Even if you could do that, it's dangerous.

#define CUR 2
#define CUR CUR + 2
int x = CUR*4; // x = 2 + 2 * 4

You can't do that, you can only #define each macro once, else the compiler will spill an error.

I tried doing something similar at one point (appending to boost preprocessor sequences). I hit the wall hard (because of what Jonathan said in his answer) and ended up doing completely different thing.

Later I found that boost MPL type sequences have same effective limitation (which totally makes sense, but sometimes you don't see a wall until you actually bump into it :)).

You pretty much must define whole sequence or give it different name.

You are probably defining some member variable and then doing things with it in the function (registering?). If you keep messages in a container, you can make your MAP_DECL add a message into it, and then in the function just do a for loop.

#define MAP_BEGIN std::vector<Message> m_messages; \
  void buildMap() {
#define MAP_END }
#define MAP_DECL(...) m_messages.push_back(...);

If each message is of separate type, try type erasure (boost::any) or make them inherit from some base class and store that.

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