
Here's the problem I often encounter when I develop complex controls in WPF.

I want to bind some properties up to multiple levels of parent.

I'm currently using this with RelativeSource and TemplatedParent :

Value="{Binding PropertyToBind, Mode=TwoWay, RelativeSource={RelativeSource TemplatedParent}}"

But with this, you can just bind to the direct parent, and I have 4 levels... So I made 4 binding to finally bind to the good value.

I cannot remove my 4 levels of object, they are complex controls...

For example, my first level is my Joystick control. In my joystick, I have a Slider control (2nd level) to move up and down. In my Slider, I have a Button (3rd level). In my button, I have a Text (4th level) that I want to bind to a propety in my level 1 (Joystick).

What I do is I bind my text to a property in the button, then I bind the property of the button to the one in the Slider, etc.. to the Joystick. Sometimes, I need to create custom controls (with added properties where I can bind).

This is not my scenario, it's just an example (yes in this we can probably remove some levels but not in mine) I don't want an answer with: remove this or this object...

Is there a way to bind directly to multiple levels? Each level is a ControlTemplate in a Style.

I'm using WPF 4, .NET 4.0, Blend 4, Visual Studio 2010

도움이 되었습니까?


Have you tried the other permutations of RelativeSource in your binding? Specifically, you can use RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type SomeType}} to find a specific control above you, which looks like it might work well for your scenario.

다른 팁

You should not do this, it breaks the encapsulation and intrOduces unnecessary dependencies. What you describes is the way to go:

What I do is I bind my text to a property in the button, then I bind the property of the button to the one in the Slider, etc..

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