
Two of my domain classes (User and Post) have multiple one-to-many associations between them. User may like, dislike, see or own multiple Posts. For this I have set up hasMany relationship as following:

static hasMany = [posts:Post, seen:Post, likes:Post, dislikes:Post]

After developing owning side of my code when I started to work with seen I saw that each object that is in posts list is also in seen, likes and dislikes. Then I tried to use joinTable to map tables:

static mapping = {
    posts joinTable: [name: 'USER_POSTS',
        column: 'POST_ID',
        key: 'USER_ID']
    seen joinTable: [name: 'USER_SEEN',
        column: 'POST_ID',
        key: 'USER_ID']
    likes joinTable: [name: 'USER_LIKES',
        column: 'POST_ID',
        key: 'USER_ID']
    dislikes joinTable: [name: 'USER_DISLIKES',
        column: 'POST_ID',
        key: 'USER_ID']

But unfortunately nothing changed, posts added to posts still go to other lists too. What am I doing wrong?

도움이 되었습니까?


After trying many mappedBy and mapping stuff I decided to create separate domains (actually with the same properties) to keep the liking, disliking and seeing connection between User and Post. Actually my solution isn't relationship based, it is a kind of log of User-Post activities.

class UserLike {
    static belongsTo = [user:User,post:Post]
class UserDislike {
    static belongsTo = [user:User,post:Post]
class UserSee {
    static belongsTo = [user:User,post:Post]

When I want to make some post1 liked by user1 I do:

new UserLike(user:user1,post:post1).save()

Maybe it isn't not be perfect for some others but solved my problem

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