
I'm writing a plugin for Pidgin and I need to catch one special event - I need to react when you click/select a "buddy" in the "buddy list" in Pidgin.

Please, guys do you know if there is such signal (I guess this is where it should be listed, if it would exist - https://developer.pidgin.im/doxygen/2.5.2/html/blist-signals.html)? If not, could you imagine some workaround?

If no other option, I'll try to modify directly Pidgin code, it's hard for me, I'm quite new to C and Pidgin project is not small, but I'm interested enough to it, so why not :)


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There isn't a pidgin-level signal for this. To catch this you would need to be writing a GTK+ plugin and you would need to connect to the appropriate signal on the buddy list tree view widget itself.

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