
quick question on declaring functions. Lets say I have the following code:

class a{
    int var;
    /* stuff*/

class b : a{
    /* other stuff*/

class c : a{
    /* more other stuff*/

class d{
    myFunctionThatWantsTheIntNamedVar(SubClassOfClassA SomeClassUnknownAtCompileTime);

and myFunctionThatWantsTheIntNamedVar() wants just that, the integer(called var) declared in the base class of a. The function in class d may be passed an instance of class b or class c, which is not known at compile time (only at run time).

Is there a way I can concisely declare a function that could take either class b or c and get that same base variable?

What I have done in the mean time is declare two methods in class d, as follows:

class d{
    myFunctionThatWantsTheIntNamedVar(c aClassCInstance);
    myFunctionThatWantsTheIntNamedVar(b aClassBInstance);

which is fine and all, but the code in the two methods is IDENTICAL... And from my understanding of object oriented programming, if the code is identical you should be able to combine it into a better function.

Any thoughts on this? Just looking for best practices or other advice here, as I work at a small company and getting feedback can be hard at times.

EDIT: sorry, I had an error in my code, changed it from:

myfunctionThatWantsTheInNamedVar(a aClassAInstance);


myfunctionThatWantsTheInNamedVar(c aClassCInstance);

my bad.

도움이 되었습니까?


Provide a public accessor method that gives access to the variable, and make sure you don't hide its name in class b and class c.

class a{
    int var;
    /* stuff*/
  const int& getVar() const { return var; }
  int& getVar() { return var; }

Then take a reference to an a in oyur function:

class d{
 public:  // you probably want a public member function
    myFunctionThatWantsTheIntNamedVar(const a& theA) {
      int n = theA.getVar();

Then you can call it with b or c instances:

b b0;
c c0;
d d0;

Bear in mind that in your code, the variable var is private, as well as the inhericance in classes b and c. For this to work, you would need to make the inheritance public:

class b : public a { .... };
class c : public a { .... };

다른 팁

class d{
    myFunctionThatWantsTheIntNamedVar(const a& anA);

If you really want to prohibit an actual instance of a, but allow any derived class, you can use Run Time Type Identification to throw an exception if it is actually an a, not a derived class.

If you have a pure virtual function in a that has no implementation (but requires b and c to provide implementations), then you can't even instantiate a, so no checking is required. But, that is only if you had reason to do that -- I wouldn't suggest an artificial construct like that just for this.

Why not this:

class d{
   void myFunction(A a) {;}

if you say that the code for both of your functions is same, this means that they don't use anything which is different between classes C and B. In other words, you only use what's common to B and C, and that is actually class A.

Of course (A a) is just an illustration. You should declare argument as (const A& a) or (A* pA), depending on what you need. Also, I assume that var is somehow visible outside of its hierarchy, either by making it public or better, by encapsulating it in a public accessor.

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