
Is there any way to restart the web server from within the bash console given in the browser for PythonAnywhere? I have searched google for a while and have not found anything relevant.

도움이 되었습니까?


There is a file for each of your web apps in /var/www. The naming of the file should make it obvious which file applies to which web app.


touch /var/www/<filename>

(where <filename> is the name of the file that is for the web app you want to restart) and server will notice that the modified date of the file has changed and restart your app.

다른 팁

As quoted by harry, one of the people working at PythonAnywhere on the PA forum https://www.pythonanywhere.com/forums/topic/89/#id_post_4289

touching the file at /var/www/you-domain-wsgi.py will reload your web app workers, so that will pick up on any code changes you've made, but be warned that it doesn't do the other stuff which the button does, in particular, it won't pick up any new static files directory mappings you've made.

To perform a full reload, you can use this script on github.

git clone https://github.com/ayys/pareload.git

PythonAnywhere has since added a API as well as a number of helper scripts including a script to reload a webapp from the console:

pip3.5 install --user pythonanywhere
pa_reload_webapp.py <domain>

Be sure to generate a API token before running a script.

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