
I have different types of Roles to take into account when authorizing a user. For example: John must have Position Manager and be part of the Office Supplies Department to order a new computer.

Problem with Roles is Roles.GetRolesForUser("John") can only return a string array.

Should I go with a custom roleProvider and custom roleManager? or should I develop a custom ProfileManager to add methods like GetUsersWithProfileProperties()?

Any suggestion is welcome!


EDIT: the above example is simplified I could have a much as 4 types of roles which are 4 different collections.

EDIT: I found a very similar question

도움이 되었습니까?


why not create a "CompositeRoleProvider" with a Path-To-Level typew convention for accessing each subordinate role provider. You will still have to create multiple role providers, but your Composite or Top-Level Provider does all of the work for you. I plan to do a similar thing with ProfileProvider

다른 팁

From what you write; I believe that everything you need is currently available out of the box:

    // Return all Users in a  Role
    string[] users;
    users = Roles.GetUsersInRole("RoleName");
    // Return all Roles for a User
    string[] roles;
    roles = Roles.GetRolesForUser();
    // Search through Membership store locating users with a role
    MembershipUserCollection mu;
    mu = Membership.GetAllUsers();
    // Loop through all membership users looking for users in a role

    foreach(MembershipUser m in mu){
        if(Roles.IsUserInRole(m.UserName, "Role Name")){
            // Do something

            // We can even nest to x levels
            if (Roles.IsUserInRole(m.UserName, "Another Role")){

                // Do something else

Please clarify if I have misunderstood your question.

I'm studying how to solve a pretty similar problem and I've come to a conclusion that the best thing to do is to implement a custom role provider.

I'm using this (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/317sza4k(v=vs.100).aspx) as a base and I will implement my methods like (IsManager, GetDepartment, ecc).

Data will be stored in custom tables that are joined to the aspnet_users table.

Hope it may help someone in the future :)

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