
I want to add a function to my buttonNewWithLabel, so it reacts to the enter key is pressed and just not only the onClicked event. I cant find how but should there not be as easy as the onClicked?

My code peice looks like this:

grt <- labelNew Nothing
str <- entryNew

but <- buttonNewWithLabel "Action"
but `onClicked` function1 str grt 
but `onEnterPushed`function1 str grt  <---  Something like this ?

Is there such a function in Gtk2Hs? Or...is there something else I can use?

도움이 되었습니까?


import Graphics.UI.Gtk
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)

main :: IO ()
main = do
  window <- windowNew
  button1 <- buttonNewWithLabel "button1"
  containerAdd window button1
  button1 `on` buttonPressEvent $ do
      liftIO $ putStrLn "button1 got clicked"   
      return True
  widgetShowAll window

다른 팁

I kept on looking by the side aswell as looking into widget focus as that is how it works.

An answer is to add a peice of code to the label that tells it to activate on entry.

What i got working is:

--Creating label & an entry
grt <- labelNew Nothing
str <- entryNew
str `onEntryActivate` function1 str grt   <-- This works like a charm!

--Create button
but <- buttonNewWithLabel "Action"
but `onClicked` function1 str grt 

The more i learn about Haskell & Gtk2Hs the more i like it! :)


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