
Prereq: create yourself an API key for urlshortener at https://code.google.com/apis/console/

There are lots of docs for various ways of turning a goo.gl url into the original URL via the js get api, e g: here, here and here -- and at least the first one even works.

If I tweak that one ever so slightly to use the insert api to convert a url to a tiny url, passing a { "longUrl": "https://codepen.io/" } instead, though, it breaks. Try it at http://codepen.io/johan/full/EHbGy#YOUR-API-KEY-HERE if you like, or run this somewhere:

var api_key = 'YOUR-API-KEY-HERE';

function makeRequest() {
  var request = gapi.client.urlshortener.url.insert({
    'longUrl': 'https://codepen.io/'
  request.execute(function(response) {
    alert(JSON.stringify(window.got = response));

function load() {
  gapi.client.load('urlshortener', 'v1', makeRequest);
<script src="https://apis.google.com/js/client.js?onload=load"></script>

...it just responds with an error:

{ "code": 400
, "message": "Required"
, "data": 
  [ { "domain": "global"
    , "reason": "required"
    , "message": "Required"
    , "locationType": "parameter"
    , "location": "resource.longUrl"
, "error": 
  { "code": 400
  , "message": "Required"
  , "data": 
    [ { "domain": "global"
      , "reason": "required"
      , "message": "Required"
      , "locationType": "parameter"
      , "location": "resource.longUrl"

Suggestions? (No, it doesn't work any better if you change the url.insert parameter to an object with a resource.longUrl key – or just passing the url without a wrapper object.)

도움이 되었습니까?


It's not super clear in the docs or error message, but your request should look like the following and all will be well:

var request = gapi.client.urlshortener.url.insert({
    'resource': {'longUrl': 'https://codepen.io/'}

다른 팁

I think I'll drop the messy client library for this, when it turns out I can do it five lines of coffescript instead of loading all that cruft, as I already have jQuery around anyway: http://codepen.io/johan/pen/puJyH

api = 'https://www.googleapis.com/urlshortener/v1/url'
api += "?key=#{key}"  if key = location.search.slice 1

  url: api
  type: 'POST'
  data: JSON.stringify(longUrl: url)
  contentType: 'application/json'
  success: (got) ->
    alert "shortened url: #{got.id}"
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