
ifstream::tellg() is returning -13 for a certain file.

Basically, I wrote a utility that analyzes some source code; I open all files alphabetically, I start with "Apple.cpp" and it works perfectly.. But when it gets to "Conversion.cpp", always on the same file, after reading one line successfully tellg() returns -13.

The code in question is:

for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); ++i) { /* For each .cpp and .h file */
   TextIFile f(files[i]);
   while (!f.AtEof()) // When it gets to conversion.cpp (not on the others)
                      // first is always successful, second always fails

The code for AtEof is:

    bool AtEof() {
        if (mFile.tellg() < 0)
            FATAL(format("DEBUG - tellg(): %d") % mFile.tellg());
        if (mFile.tellg() >= GetSize())
            return true;

        return false;

After it reads successfully the first line of Conversion.cpp, it always crashes with DEBUG - tellg(): -13.

This is the whole TextIFile class (wrote by me, the error may be there):

class TextIFile
    TextIFile(const string& path) : mPath(path), mSize(0) {
        mFile.open(path.c_str(), std::ios::in);

        if (!mFile.is_open())
            FATAL(format("Cannot open %s: %s") % path.c_str() % strerror(errno));

    string GetPath() const { return mPath; }
    size_t GetSize() { if (mSize) return mSize; const size_t current_position = mFile.tellg(); mFile.seekg(0, std::ios::end); mSize = mFile.tellg(); mFile.seekg(current_position); return mSize; }

    bool AtEof() {
        if (mFile.tellg() < 0)
            FATAL(format("DEBUG - tellg(): %d") % mFile.tellg());
        if (mFile.tellg() >= GetSize())
            return true;

        return false;

    string ReadLine() {
        string ret;
        getline(mFile, ret);
        return ret;

    string ReadWhole() {
        string ret((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(mFile)), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>());
        return ret;

    void CheckErrors() {
        if (!mFile.good())
            FATAL(format("An error has occured while performing an I/O operation on %s") % mPath);

    const string mPath;
    ifstream mFile;
    size_t mSize;

Platform is Visual Studio, 32 bit, Windows.

Edit: Works on Linux.

Edit: I found the cause: line endings. Both Conversion and Guid and others had \n instead of \r\n. I saved them with \r\n instead and it worked. Still, this is not supposed to happen is it?

도움이 되었습니까?


It's difficult to guess without knowing exactly what's in Conversion.cpp. However, using < with stream positions is not defined by the standard. You might want to consider an explicit cast to the correct integer type before formatting it; I don't know what formatting FATAL and format() expect to perform or how the % operator is overloaded. Stream positions don't have to map in a predicatable way to integers, certainly not if the file isn't opened in binary mode.

You might want to consider an alternative implementation for AtEof(). Say something like:

bool AtEof()
    return mFile.peek() == ifstream::traits_type::eof();
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