
Running the following code:

import os
import datetime
import ftplib

currdate = datetime.datetime.now()
formatdate = currdate.strftime("%m-%d-%Y %H%M")

def log():

    fqn = os.uname()[1]
    ext_ip = urllib2.urlopen('http://whatismyip.org').read()
    log = open ('/Users/admin/Documents/locatelog.txt','w')
    log.write(str("Asset: %s " % fqn))
    log.write(str("Checking in from IP#: %s" % ext_ip))
    smush = str(fqn +' @ ' + formatdate)
    os.rename('/Users/admin/Documents/locatelog.txt','/Users/admin/Documents/%s.txt' %  smush )

    s = ftplib.FTP('','username','password')
    f = open('/Users/admin/Documents/%s.txt' % smush,'r')
    s.storbinary("STOR /Users/admin/Documents/%s.txt" % smush,f)

Generates the following error:

ftplib.error_perm: 550 /Users/admin/Documents/678538.local @ 02-24-2010 1301.txt: No such file or directory

I have a feeling something is amiss in this line :

s.storbinary("STOR /Users/admin/Documents/%s.txt" % smush,f)

678538 is the host I am testing on...using Mac OS X 10.5 and Python 2.5.1

도움이 되었습니까?

해결책 3


This version works: Problem was that I was writing to buffer, and not to file.

import os
import urllib2
import datetime
import ftplib

currdate = datetime.datetime.now()
formatdate = currdate.strftime("%m-%d-%Y-%H%M")

def log():

    fqn = os.uname()[1]
    ext_ip = urllib2.urlopen('http://whatismyip.org').read()
    smush = str(fqn + formatdate)
    s = ftplib.FTP('','username','password')
    f = open('/Users/admin/Documents/%s.txt' % smush,'w')
    f.write(str("Asset: %s " % fqn))
    f.write(str("Checking in from IP#: %s" % ext_ip))
    f.write(str("On: %s" % formatdate))
    f = open('/Users/admin/Documents/%s.txt' % smush,'rb')
    s.storbinary('STOR %s.txt' % smush , f)

다른 팁

Shouldn't it bef = open('/Users/admin/Documents/%s.txt' % smush,'r') ? notice the / in front of Users

If you dont put the first /, the script will think the path to the file is relative to the current directory (where the script is run from)


I m not too familiar with Python (I wish) but shouldnt it be:

s.storbinary('STOR /Users/admin/Documents/%s.txt' % smush,f) ?

In your example, Python will treat your string as literal and you want to interpolate the value of smush with %s

Edit 2:

Does the directory /Users/admin/Documents/ exist on your server? If not, I think you will have to create them before copying anything. (Since the error message is about some files/folders missing).

You can create them yourself first. Run your script. If the file is copied successfully, then you can add the creation of the directories from within your script.

remove all spaces from file name .eg in smush = str(fqn +' @ ' + formatdate), you are putting a space in front of and after "@". you path looks like

/Users/admin/Documents/something @ something

and when you pass it to ftplib, it may have problem. another way is to try putting quotes, eg

s.storbinary("STOR '/Users/admin/Documents/%s.txt'" % smush,f)
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