
One of our views has a ScrollView as its root layout. When the device is rotated and onConfigurationChanged() is called, we'd like to be able to get the ScrollView's new width/height. Our code looks like this:

public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) {
    Log.d(TAG, "Width: '" + findViewById(R.id.scrollview).getWidth() + "'");
    Log.d(TAG, "Height: '" + findViewById(R.id.scrollview).getHeight() + "'");


    Log.d(TAG, "Width: '" + findViewById(R.id.scrollview).getWidth() + "'");
    Log.d(TAG, "Height: '" + findViewById(R.id.scrollview).getHeight() + "'");

The relevant section of our AndroidManifest.xml looks like this:

<activity android:name=".SomeActivity"
        <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />

And finally, the relevant portion of our layout looks like this:

<ScrollView xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
    <LinearLayout android:id="@+id/container"

On our Droid, we expected to see the ScrollView's width go to 854 when switched into landscape, and to 480 when switched back to portrait (and the height do the equivalent switch, minus the menu bar). However, we're seeing the opposite. Here's our LogCat:

// Switching to landscape:
03-26 11:26:16.490: DEBUG/ourtag(17245): Width: '480'  // Before super
03-26 11:26:16.490: DEBUG/ourtag(17245): Height: '778' // Before super
03-26 11:26:16.529: DEBUG/ourtag(17245): Width: '480'  // After super
03-26 11:26:16.536: DEBUG/ourtag(17245): Height: '778' // After super

// Switching to portrait:
03-26 11:26:28.724: DEBUG/ourtag(17245): Width: '854'  // Before super
03-26 11:26:28.740: DEBUG/ourtag(17245): Height: '404' // Before super
03-26 11:26:28.740: DEBUG/ourtag(17245): Width: '854'  // After super
03-26 11:26:28.740: DEBUG/ourtag(17245): Height: '404' // After super

Clearly, we're getting the portrait dimensions when we switch to landscape, and the landscape dimensions when we switch to portrait. Is there something we're doing wrong? We could get hacky and solve this, but I feel like there's a simple solution that we're missing.

도움이 되었습니까?


귀하의 평판을보고,이 MSDN 기사 당신이 원하는 것을 정확하게하고 있지만 차이가 무리와 함께 놀고있는 것입니다.바나나와 도구와 함께;)

도 도움이되기를 바랍니다 :)


xsltlistviewwebpart를 찾고 있기 때문에 책 개발 플랫폼으로서의 SharePoint 2010

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새 사이트, 페이지, 라이브러리 또는 목록을 만들 때 QuickLaunch에 표시 할 수있는 옵션이 있습니다.페이지는 예외가되었지만 각 사이트의 탐색 설정 페이지에서 구성 할 수 있습니다.

기본적으로 원하는 경우, SharePoint Designer에서 항상 MasterPage를 편집하고 컨트롤 "TopNavigationMenuv4"(SP2010)을 찾고 Properties StaticDisplayLevelsMaximumDynamicDisplayLevels를 설정하여 1 또는 0 레벨을 표시하도록 Properties입니다.QuickLaunch 컨트롤 "currentNav"(동일한 속성)에도 동일합니다.

When onGlobalLayout called it's not sure that the view has been resized accordingly to the new layout orientation, so for me only the below solution worked properly:

public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) {
final int oldHeight = mView.getHeight();
final int oldWidth = mView.getWidth();

mView.getViewTreeObserver().addOnGlobalLayoutListener(new ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener() {
        public void onGlobalLayout() {
            if (mView.getHeight() != oldHeight && mView.getWidth() != oldWidth) {
                //mView now has the correct dimensions, continue with your stuff
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