
We're using Scala + Maven + ScalaTest runner + Jenkins. We have JUnit-style XML output going here:


Right now we can see entire build pass/fail, or dig through the verbose Console Output to see test pass/fail (not ideal), but I'm sure there's a better way.

I've tried several of the post-build steps such as:

  • Aggregate downstream test results
  • Publish xUnit test result report

But can't get a table of test results working.

Do you have any ideas? Thanks.

도움이 되었습니까?

해결책 2

You should better describe your symptoms. JUnit-style XML report is the basic form of test report supported by Jenkins/Hudson, so I suppose the problem is relatively simple. Please compare your configuration with the following example:

enter image description here

I would suggest the following:

  1. Check you configuration (it is likely jenkins is not able to find the actual report file)
  2. Look through the console output to make sure there is no warning message related to XML report file
  3. Verify XML report is not empty and valid
  4. Try to use JUnitReport tasks to generate HTML form
  5. Finally, switch to TestNG if you can

다른 팁

There are two options:

  • ScalaTest can generate HTML reports. Just add

    (testOptions in Test) += Tests.Argument(TestFrameworks.ScalaTest, "-h", "target/scalatest-report")

to your 'build.sbt'. Running 'sbt test' will then generate an HTML report in the folder 'target/scalatest-report'.

In Jenkins you can use the 'Publish HTML' plugin to capture this report for a build. The test html becomes then available for each build and also on job page.

  • ScalaTest also generates normal JUnit XML reports in the 'target/test-reports' folder. The Jenkins these reports can be captured with the 'Publish JUnit XML test report' post-build-action which is default available in Jenkins I think.

Both solutions give a view on the test results and they can be used together.

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