
I have 2 classes in mygrails project called Profile and Licence Here is the outline of the stuff that matters in the classes

class Profile {

    Set<Licence> licenceKeys

    static hasMany = [licenceKeys:Licence]

   static constraints = {
        licenceKeys nullable:true
    static mapping = {
        licenceKeys cascade: 'all-delete-orphan'

class Licence {

    Profile profile
    String licenceKey

    static belongsTo = [profile:Profile]

    static constraints = {
        profile nullable:false
        licenceKey blank:true, nullable:true, unique:true

When I run the following code in one of my controllers

    if (!profile.licenceKeys.clear()) {
        log.error ("Error occured removing licence keys from the database");
        userProfile.errors.each { err -> println err; }
    }  else {
        log.info("Successfully remove licence keys from the database");

I get the following error message in the console and the licencekeys remain in the database org.springframework.validation.BeanPropertyBindingResult: 0 errors The keys are removed from the licenceKeys set in the Profile class but remain in the databse

I have 2 questions is it possible to get better debug output for the error message that I got Am I missing anything to ensure that the licekeys are removed from the database?


도움이 되었습니까?


The clear() method will not actually do the work of deleting form the database you'll want to save after the clear(). Try...

if (!profile.save(flash:true)) {
    log.error ("Error occured removing licence keys from the database");
    userProfile.errors.each { err -> println err; }
}  else {
    log.info("Successfully remove licence keys from the database");

For your second question you'll want to get the errors from the domain object that failed saving like so....

 if (!profile.save(flash:true)) {
    log.error ("Error occured removing licence keys from the database");
    profile.errors.each { err -> println err; }
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