
I have a List of object, produced by JPA q.getResultList().

I would like to use it in a drop down, but Stripes "option" tag cant accept List, just Collection, Enum and Map.

Im new to Java, that why perhaps the List can translated to each of them but I don't know how can I solve this issue.

(Stripes select,option-map,-enumeration, -collection can build up a drop down from previous mentioned input object structures )

도움이 되었습니까?


The documentation of the options-collection tag says:

Writes a set of <option value="foo">bar</option> tags to the page based on the contents of a Collection, Iterable or Array. Each element in the collection is represented by a single option tag on the page. Uses the label and value attributes on the tag to name the properties of the objects in the Collection that should be used to generate the body of the HTML option tag and the value attribute of the HTML option tag respectively. If either (or both) of the label or value properties are omitted the item itself will be used for the label/value instead - this is done to support collections of simple types like Strings and Numbers.

E.g. a tag declaration that looks like:

<stripes:options-collection collection="${cats}" value="catId" label="name"/>

would cause the container to look for a Collection called "cats" across the various JSP scopes and set it on the tag. The tag would then proceed to iterate through that collection calling getCatId() and getName() on each cat to produce HTML option tags.

A java.util.List being a Collection, just pass it to the collection attribute of the mentioned tag.

다른 팁

fromjson ()

그러나 놀이 때문에! Pojo Binding 와 같은 일을하는 것이 좋습니다.

public static void add(Bookmark newBookmark) {  
    // Validation etc ..

GSON으로 정말로 작업하기를 원한다면 이런 일이 일할 수 있습니다 ( 문서 ) :

public static void add(JsonObject body) {  
    Gson gson = new Gson();
    String json = gson.toJson(body, Bookmark.class);
    Bookmark bookmark = gson.fromJson(json, Bookmark.class);

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