
I am trying to create a new Android project with Apache Cordova. The script starts but fails with the message:

Could not retrieve the commons-codec. Please download it yourself and put it in the framework\libs directory. This process may fail now. sorry.

And then it fails. I have it running on Windows 8 64bit. ANT, ADT, Android-SDK, Eclipse, Java are all running fine. I run the cmd as admin, no difference. I downloaded the 1.7 version of commons-codec.jar and put it in the lib directory not only of Cordova but also of ant and Android SDK but that did not make any difference.

I hope someone can help me, and I want to thank you in advance!

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Download the 1.6 version of commons-codec at here and then copy it you the \framework\libs folder in your Cordova folder.

Worked great for me. Good luck.

You can it at Apache's historical archive of old software releases: http://archive.apache.org/dist/commons/codec/binaries/

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