
Is there a easy way to dump UTF-8 data from a database?

I know this command:

manage.py dumpdata > mydata.json

But the data I got in the file mydata.json, Unicode data looks like:

"name": "\u4e1c\u6cf0\u9999\u6e2f\u4e94\u91d1\u6709\u9650\u516c\u53f8"

I would like to see a real Unicode string like 全球卫星定位系统 (Chinese).

도움이 되었습니까?


django-admin.py dumpdata yourapp could dump for that purpose.

Or if you use MySQL, you could use the mysqldump command to dump the whole database.

And this thread has many ways to dump data, including manual methods.

UPDATE: because OP edited the question.

To convert from JSON encoding string to human readable string you could use this:


다른 팁

After struggling with similar issues, I've just found, that xml formatter handles UTF8 properly.

manage.py dumpdata --format=xml > output.xml

I had to transfer data from Django 0.96 to Django 1.3. After numerous tries with dump/load data, I've finally succeeded using xml. No side effects for now.

Hope this will help someone, as I've landed at this thread when looking for a solution..

You need to either find the call to json.dump*() in the Django code and pass the additional option ensure_ascii=False and then encode the result after, or you need to use json.load*() to load the JSON and then dump it with that option.

Here I wrote a snippet for that. Works for me!

import codecs
src = "/categories.json"
dst = "/categories-new.json"
source = codecs.open(src, 'r').read().decode('string-escape')
codecs.open(dst, "wb").write(source)

You can create your own serializer which passes ensure_ascii=False argument to json.dumps function:

# serfializers/json_no_uescape.py
from django.core.serializers.json import *

class Serializer(Serializer):

    def _init_options(self):
        super(Serializer, self)._init_options()
        self.json_kwargs['ensure_ascii'] = False

Then register new serializer (for example in your app __init__.py file):

from django.core.serializers import register_serializer

register_serializer('json-no-uescape', 'serializers.json_no_uescape')

Then you can run:

manage.py dumpdata --format=json-no-uescape > output.json

just leave it here:

./manage.py dumpdata --indent=2 core.item | python3 -c "import sys; sys.stdout.write(sys.stdin.read().encode().decode('unicode_escape'))" > core/fixtures/item.json
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