
나는 단지 완성되는 기능 코드고 싶은 업로드 인터넷 프리웨어.그것은 단지 Windows Forms 응용 프로그램입니다.내가 사용하는 C#,Visual Studio2008.를 알고 싶은 경우 법적니다.

도움이 되었습니까?


No one can say it is legal without knowing exactly what the code does. Perhaps it for example uses some patent without a license.

Another consideration is if you are using some 3rd party components without the proper license. For example if you are offering your program freeware and you are using GPL, you need to also offer your program's source code.

In general, yes it's legal as long as you are using a licensed version of visual studio 2008 or are using Visual Studio Express edition.

You can also package the .NET redistributable package with your installer.

다른 팁

Yes it's legal.

As long as it's all your own work or you're not passing it off as your own work when you've used someone else's library then you can do what you want with the program.

하는 경우 Visual Studio lincesed,물론 그것은 법적입니다.사용할 수 있습니다 내에서 게시 도구 Visual Studio 에서 사용하거나 같은 소프트웨어 InstallShield 으로 설치가 가능합니다.

Yes absolutely as long as your license of Visual Studio is legal.

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