
I am trying to make my own Jabber bot but i have run into a little trouble. I have gotten my bot to respond to messages, however, if I try to change the bot's presence then it seems as though all of the messages you send to the bot get delayed.

What I mean is when I run the script I change the presence so I can see that it is online. Then when I send it a message it takes three before the callback subroutine I have set up for messages gets called. After the thirrd message is sent and the chat subroutine is called it still process the first message I sent.

This really doesn't pose too much of a problem except that I have it set up to log out when I send the message "logout" and it has to be followed by two more messages in order to log out. I am not sure what it is that I have to do to fix this but i think it has something to do with iq packets because I have an iq callback set as well and it gets called two times after setting the presence.

Here is my source code:


use strict;
use warnings;

use Net::Jabber;
use DBI;
use DBD::mysql;

#--------------- Config Vars -----------------
# Jabber Client
my $jbrHostname = "DOMAINNAME"; 
my $jbrUserName = "USERNAME";
my $jbrPassword = "PASSWORD";
my $jbrResource = "RESOURCE";
my $jbrBoss = new Net::Jabber::JID();

my $dbHostname = "DOMAINNAME";
my $dbName = "DATABASENAME";
my $dbUserName = "USERNAME";
my $dbPassword = "PASSWORD";
#--------------- End Config -----------------

# connect to the db
my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=$dbName;host=$dbHostname",$dbUserName, $dbPassword, {RaiseError => 1}) or die "Couldn't connect to the database: $!\n";

# create a new jabber client and connect to server
my $jabberBot = Net::Jabber::Client->new();
my $status = $jabberBot->Connect(hostname=>$jbrHostname) or die "Cannot connect ($!)\n";
my @results = $jabberBot->AuthSend(username=>$jbrUserName,password=>$jbrPassword,resource=>$jbrResource);

if($results[0] ne "ok")
    die "Jabber auth error @results\n";

# set jabber bot callbacks


sub welcome
    $jabberBot->MessageSend(to=>$jbrBoss->GetJID(),subject=>"",body=>"Hello There!",type=>"chat",priority=>10);

$jabberBot->MessageSend(to=>$jbrBoss->GetJID(),subject=>"",body=>"Hello There! Global...",type=>"chat",priority=>10);

sub chat
    print "Chat Called!\n";
    my ($sessionID,$msg) = @_;
    if($msg->GetBody() ne 'logout')
        print $msg->GetBody()."\n";


sub gotIQ
    print $_[1]->GetID()."\n";

sub keepItGoing
    print "Movin' the chains!\n";
    my $proc = $jabberBot->Process(1);
    while(defined($proc) && $proc != 1)
        $proc = $jabberBot->Process(1);

sub killBot
    $jabberBot->MessageSend(to=>$_[0]->GetFrom(),subject=>"",body=>"Logging Out!",type=>"chat",priority=>10);

Thanks for your help!

도움이 되었습니까?


$archiveNumber = 0;
$archiveDirectory = 'blogtext/';
$archiveHandle = opendir( $archiveDirectory );

$toEcho=""; //A string we'll echo later

if( $archiveHandle = opendir( 'blogtext/' ) )
    while( false !== ( $entry = readdir( $archiveHandle ) ) )
        if( $entry != '.' && $entry != '..' && !is_dir( $entry ) && strpos( $entry, '-subject' ) ) 
            $entryAfter = str_replace( '-'.$number.'-', '', $entry );
            $entryAfter = str_replace( '-subject', '', $entryAfter );
            $entryAfter = str_replace( '.txt', '', $entryAfter );
            ob_start();  //Start buffering echo
            echo '<a href="blog/'.strtolower( $entryAfter ).'.php"> ';
            include( 'blogtext/'.$entry );
            echo '</a><br>';
            $toEcho=ob_get_clean().$toEcho;  //Insert the link at the begining of $toEcho, that's where we reverse the echo order
    closedir( $archiveHandle );
echo $toEcho;  //echo the reversed list of links

나는 이것을 테스트하지 않았지만, 아이디어는 일하고 있습니다.

다른 팁

Replace the line:


with these:

while (defined($jabberBot->Process(1))) {
    # Do stuff here
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