
When you use git it seems to magically know whether standard out is going through a pipe or into a file vs when it is being displayed to the console. For example, if you have colors enabled and you do

git status

it will colorize the output for different categories of files being listed. However, if you do

git status | less


git status > status.txt

it removes the linux color formatting and you only see plain, uncolored text.

How does git detect whether the output of its commands are going to file vs going to the terminal?

도움이 되었습니까?


isatty(int fd) will check whether the fd refers to a terminal or something else. It's part of unistd.h in the GNU C library.

Man page: http://linux.die.net/man/3/isatty

As an aside: if you want to read from a program using another program, but you want to fool isatty into thinking that your program is a human, there is a way to do that. You can use a pseudo-terminal (pty). This technique is used by expect, for example.

다른 팁

This is a C Code to demonstrate how to detect if standard output is redirected:

int main(int argc, char **argv){
    if (!isatty(fileno(stdout))){
      fprintf(stdout, "argv, argc, someone is redirecting me elsewhere...\n");
      return 1;
    /* rest of C code here... */

That is how git knows whether the output is going to the terminal or to a file.

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From a shell script, use the -t test flag applied to the file descriptor 0 (standard input).


# Any Bourne-style shell
[ -t 0 ] && echo This is a terminal

# Modern interactive shells: ksh, bash, zsh
[[ -t 0 ]] && echo This is a terminal
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