
I have a meager production environment running on my PC for a little application that I work on in my spare time. At this point I have the basics setup, MySQL, junit, svn... I am midway through development and I now need to generate various reports (not development/logging/event reports). These reports are based on what data is in the database.

Now, my question is this: Is there an existing reporting tool that accepts SQL and generates various reports (via: email, PDF, etc). Some tool which makes writing new reports easy, while also having a somewhat robust set of features. Does this software exist or must I write all of these reports myself?

도움이 되었습니까?


다른 팁

I would also recommend myDBR. With this tools you can generate reports in a fast an efficient way. Also adding charts and other external objects (e.g. images, videos) is very simple.

Best of all the tool is available for free (community version).

Possibly you can look into reports developed using R programming also as you can do statistical analysis as well.

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